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Image Comments posted by phillips

  1. Thanks for viewing and comments.  This was my first visit to Grand Canyon National Park.  I found the persistent haze to be a real problem.  We had some intermittent rain storms so I tried to make the best use of those occasions.  Next trip I hope to s;end some time at the bottom of the canyon.  Thanks again, Phil


    Dancers on a String


    Thanks for your viewing and comments.  I have watching these blooms for a few days and finally was able to find the right afternoon light.  As I mentioned above I'm still working on the image.

    Thanks again, Phil

    Dancers on a String


    Thanks for your viewing and comment. I still think it's lacking something in the post processing-still looking for a somewhat more "glowing" or ethereal look.  Maybe trying some different blending modes with layers. Still a work in process.

    Thanks again, Phil

  2. Thanks for viewing and comment.  This is the first Western Tanager I've seen this year.  As I mentioned above, I'm probably the laziest bird photographer in the world.My Nikon D7100 with the Nikon 80-400 mm sits on a file cabinet behind me, and I periodically check out the window looking for interesting backyard birds around our water feature.  Thanks again, Phil

  3. Thanks for your comment.  Hummingbirds and butterflies represent a real challenge for me.  Fortunately, we seem to have a fair amount of them in our yard so there are ample opportunities to work at it.  Thanks, Phil

  4. Thanks for your comment-as for the timing, there are about 15 trash images for this shot.  I found that rather than trying to follow them, I watched a specific area and waited until she (or immature male) made an appearance. Thanks again, Phil

  5. Thanks Holger for you comment.  I'm fortunate that to have quite a few hummingbirds in my garden. Even more fortunate that one of their favorite areas is about twenty feet from the window of the study.   Thanks again, Phil

    Ford Truck


    Thanks for your comment. Buying the truck might be a problem-it's owned by the state of California, and kept like the rest of Bodie in a state of "arrested decay".  I'm  going to be there again in a few weeks and this time I'll be working with some IR filters.  Thanks again, Phil

  6. Thanks for viewing and your kind comment.  We have a large rock in our yard, which is a great water feature.  It's only about 20 feet from the window of my study. I've gotten in the habit of leaving my D710 with the 80-400mm lens at hand- good photographic opportunities but  not great for concentrating on other tasks.  Thanks again, Phil

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