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Image Comments posted by scott_esposito

    A Glass Lamp


    I like the choice of subject; I find the lamp very compelling. But I have a few problems with the shot:


    1. I would light the subject from a different angle. I think you could bring out the texture better and get rid of the black spot in the lower left with better lighting.


    2. I would like this shot better if the background was pure white and there was no shadow below the lamp. I find these distracting.


    Kind of an interesting study in patterns. I like the subject matter and I think this shot has a lot of potential, but I think there should be sharpness throughout the entire photo. Also I'd crop the line of circles at the top. I'd say try this experiment again.
  1. John - In my opinion there is too much extraneous material in this photo. As the shot is of the car I think much of the pavement and the background should be eliminated. I think you should go for much tighter shots, unless there is a background element that significantly adds to your photo. Also I'd encourage you to explore your subject and try many different angles. The angle you have chosen in this shot seems somewhat common.
  2. I like the colors in this shot -- black dominates but there is that hint of purple. Also good use of forms. The very organized forms (the buildings) are lacerated by a chaotic, organic form (a tree?). Converys the feeling quite aptly.
  3. I like the lighting on this shot and the way that it almost creates a color fade from lower left to upper right. What I don't like about the shot is that this angle seems to not be the most effective one. A compelling subject with interesting lighting, I would have tried this shot from multiple places.
  4. What do you like? What don't you like? This was one of the better

    photos out of about 20 of this guy and his pipe. A few more of the

    good ones will be posted after I print them.

  5. In my opinion the foreground is a little dark. I like that some of it is shrouded in darkness -- that works for the mood of the photo, but I think that the bridge (especially since it is in the title) should be a little more clear. I would take the shot again, but expose for a longer period of time. I like the composition, although there may be a little too much sky at the top.
  6. A few things come to mind in this photo:.


    1. The sky - nothing going on here...it's so gray and colorless. Not too photogenic.

    2. The subject - I like the bridge and city - good choice. But they're far too small.

    3. The water - feels like there's too much of it in the photo.

  7. I like this one. In the front you have a toweringly large notebook and in the background the lights seem to receede far, far back. A good shot for anyone who has ever been in the library facing hours and hours of studying. I tihnk the weakest spot of this photo is the girl -- her pose and expression is good, but not up to par with the rest of the photo.
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