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Image Comments posted by scott_esposito

  1. Streams of bacteria trailing off from the geysers created elaborate

    patterns shot through with magnificent colors. They brought about the

    feel of an alien landscape. There is no manipulation here, this was

    the way it looked.



    Some of the hot springs at Yellowstone are huge. Elevated boardwalks

    take you right up next to them where it's impossible not to be taken

    with their grandeur. The steam they spew is in the gallons per second

    and humans, comparatively, are puny.

    Vall d'Aran


    Good framing. Very moody shot. The road leading off into the fog is a nice image.


    The black void on the right is a wee bit distracting, though.

  2. This is a nicely composed shot. I don't like that the insides of those horizontal lines are pitch black. Some detail there would have imporved the shot, although you might have lost some of the lighter areas.


    The striaght lines of the structure juxtapose nicely with the twisting lines of the vines but I keep searching for something more; perhaps for a human form at the end of the structure. 5/5


    Wow Doug! You mean to say that you didn't even print this the first time around? That makes me want to comb through all my old negatives right this momonet. I love the use of black here; all the edges are very naturally dark, adding great atmosphere and taking my eye right into the main attraction. It almost look as though the welder is working by the light of his torch alone...very moody. You've really captured the feeling of the lone welder, or rather lone worker, here. This belongs on your wall.

    Runnin' away boy.

    Great exposure. Everything, from the trees, to the sky, to the boys looks great. I don't quite see the "running away" in your title. From my perspective it looks like the 3rd kid is turned around. It's a nice shot, no doubt, but I think it needs a little someting more.

    Cafe Gitane


    I keep wanting the cup to fall over. That makes the composition interesting, in my opinion.


    I don't like that deep shadow behind the cup, especially because it looks like it is obscuring something important. Similarly, I want to be able to make out that thing in the upper right corner, but I can't. Frustrating.

  3. Nice image. I like the idea of the two looking at each other, the young boy looking toward his future, the young man remembering his childhood. Juxtaposing them allows us to draw some interesting comparisons...look how the face has changed, the subtle, yet powerful differences in expression, different colored lighting to indicate a new age. The use of black here really works too, as it gives the picture an abstract sort of quality.


    My one problem...I think the title is overkill. A picture so in tune with subtlety deserves a title at least half so.

    Bike Rider

    I'm not sure what this is...it just looks kind of weird to me. I think you should explore this subject from some different vantage points. It's almost as if this picture is trying to go in too many different ways at once...is it about the bike guy in the center? or about the blue wavy architecture? or about the long shadows? We need you to direct us a little more!

    Lit Stairs

    I shot this with my SLR and as I remember it was a bit of a long exposure (about 5 seconds). I imagine those two things might have led to a loss of sharpness.
  4. I think I like this one best. The inclusion of all that wall was a bold and interesting choice. It puts the man in his context -- the urban jungle, emphasized by those plant-looking things on the wall. But the man also has his own plant as well, one that he is taming with his music.


    Now for what I don't like. I think that the ground is way too underexposed and that another shot should be made (or, if you can, in the darkroom burn it down to a more gray tone). Also at the top in the middle I think the highlights could show a little more detail, as well as those pieces of paper tacked to the wall on the right side.


    I think this is a very compelling shot and it is worth more exposures and more attempts at printing!

  5. Interesting choice, making the leaf a soft focus. But that slanting thing in the background ruins it for me. Just jars and shatters what might have been a peaceful minimalist composition.
  6. I feel like this shot is a little empty. I like the composition and the subject, I just wish there was a little more for me to grab on to here. Maybe something on the building or some kind of defining characteristic on the man. I guess what I'm saying is that this picture needs a little more context. It's trying to tell a story, but it doesn't have enough elements.
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