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Image Comments posted by scott_esposito

  1. That's a pretty good job. I think your clouds in teh center of the frame are a little too grey. The ones on the bottom and right defintiely pop more.


    The exposure and printing here are good, but I think the composition is lacking some defining feature to direct my attention. It just kind of feels big and empty inside.

  2. Good feel. I actually like the shlightly dark exposure because this is an old piece of machinery being put out to pasutre. Bright colors wouldn't make sense in this sombre setting. I like the idea and the feel, and the combo of heavy red and green. The overcast sky works, but perhaps try shooting around dusk?


    I think you need a little more space on the bottom of the image because that little white feature near the wheel is almost cut into.


    I don't like the fence on the right so much. Was this intentional? I would be interested in seeing other angles, without the fence.


    Good job!

  3. Nice job framing the white of the water with the plants. My one problem with the framing here is that your plant is straying into your water on the left. Short of getting out the shears, I'm not sure how you would deal with that, butthat's the challenge of being a photographer.



    This is a good choice of scene.


    You should try shooting this a few hours later in the day. The sky is washed out and your water is picking up a lot of glare. The colors in the sky and water would be much richer later in the day.


    Also, I think you could be framing this better. WIth a good scene such as this. you should stick around for a while and try several different framings. It's best to cast a wide net while shooting and figure out what you like best after the fact.

    Day of the Dead


    This is an intresting scene. Good job on finding it.


    The printing is too high contrast. All of your highlights are blown out.


    I think this scene needs a little more examination. It is rife with potential, but I htink you could present it a more effective manner.


    Also, watch those highlights!

  4. I'm not getting a lot from this one. The setting is interesting and seems like it has potential, but there is nothing in this photo that makes it compelling. I think this would require either some different framing or a graphic element that captured my attention.
  5. Nice shot, althought you have lost a little too much detail in the bottom left. I think you should didge to bring out his feet and legs. I like the rest of the printing, though, and the window really works at that level of brightness.

    Storm Brewing


    This is a decent landscape. The framing works well, and the clouds are nice. However, I think you need to shoot this at another time of day. The foreground shadow is distracting and the trees are definitely too dark.


    Incidentally, if you wanted better color out of the shot (I'm not sure if you were purposefully subdoing the colors), they'd be better with different light.



    Jeez, why are people hating n this photo so much. This is a very interesting subject and you're presented it in an interesting way. I particularly like the long shadows -- prefiguring the children's long lives and their ascent to adulthood.


    The idea of presenting the cemetary in the background is interesting as well, for obvious reasons.


    My main problem with this photo is the scan. WHy is it so small? It is very difficult to see detail here, and judging from what I can see the detail would be rather interesting.

  6. Good eye. This is an interesting moment. However, I think you are giving us a little too much here. In my opinion, the man's legs and the left side fo the bar winder is not necessary. Crop it to just below the pink of his jacket on the bottom and the windowpane on the left.

    Mobile Police

    Good get. The framing is exemplary -- the bikes really stretch the photo out and all the faces are distinct (critical, since they are the photo's most interesting feature). In my opinion, the ground is a little too bright. I'd either print at a lower contrast grade or knock it down with a 00.
  7. I really like the framing and subject here, but the printing is way off. You're losing a lot of detail in your highlights and the whole thing is printed too lightly. You might go back and print the whole thing darker at a lower contrast grade.


    Also, I'm not sure if it is a bad scan, but the whole photo is fuzzy. Either its out of focus, or this is a scanner/low resolution issue.


    Good capture. The grain seems apparant here, which I think adds to the photo. The car in the background seems a little too hot for my taste.
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