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Image Comments posted by scott_esposito


    i disagree with patrick. the expressions on the face are what make this photo work. there have been countless photos of poor children eating on the street, but this photo captures something of each child. each expression is different and each tells us something about the child. the expressions take this photo beyond the traditional 'poor children on the street'. very nice job.

    77th and Fifth


    Very nice. IMHO the skin tone is a little dark, but it certainly is fine the way it is.


    The arms here are very expressive. We can't see the face, but the stuff on his chest and his arms give us a very good idea of what expression the face would hold.

    What a wonder


    I feel like I either want to be able to view the little girl closely or be able to see what she is looking at. I think the juxtaposition could be interesting, but I need more detail in this photo. As it is, the photo leaves me wanting more.


    A good try and a nice idea, but I think this photo needs something...

  1. Hey Erin,


    I think this is the most interesting photo of your portfolio. Like many of your others, the framing and printing of this photo are excellent. What sets this apart is that I feel a much stronger interest in this photo than the rest.


    The juxtaposition of the woman looking out and the newsstand makes me wonder if she is pondering the news of the day, or perhaps watching something newsworthy happen off-frame. The dark sky gives the photo a menacing feel, something certainly associated with news lately. Also, I think the light streaming across from the right works beautifully.

    West Hall


    hey arthur,


    this image looks a little flat. i think that more contrast is called for.


    also, this appears a little crooked to my eye. i think a tiny counterclockwise rotation to straighten it out would help.

  2. Well executed. The lights really pop and the appear to be floating there, unnattached to anything. Very dramatic. I like the liberal space you have given at the bottom -- it works perfectly. I think a tighter crop would have ruined the photo.



    That's quite a pair, isn't it! They look vaguely Austin Powersish. You've captured a nice moment in their lives and the expression on th face is particularly priceless.


    That guy on the right really detracts from the photo, in my opinion. The two gentlemen in the center have an interesting aesthetic going and the guy on the right ruins it (with is big fluffy hair and very un-Powerish looks). Unfortunately, he isn't in a position to be cropped out.

  3. Doug,


    This one feels like it has a powerful presentation that the others lack. This one fills me with the immensity of the vineyard in a way that the other photos don't. I think it has to do with how closely packed the pikes appear. They do not feel as closely packed from your other perspectives. Also, when viewing this photo my mind is much more willing to believe that this field extends off to infinity.

  4. The contrast looks a little low here. I would think the flower petals would want to pop. As they are, they're rather grey and unimpressive.


    Also, the stem on the left has been cut off. You'd probably be better off giving a little more room on the left. Other than that, the framing is nice.


    I also think shallow DOF is a problem here, since those two round things distract from the petals.

  5. Hey Doug,


    If I could definitively answer that question, I would quit my job and go into full-time landscape photography.


    However, my lack of a definitive answer won't stop me from taking a guess. I think the thing I don't like here is the lack of texture in the sky. That sky just looks so flat compared to the vibrancy of the foreground.


    I must admit that the more I look at the photo, the more I come around to the sky. But I still feel that my eye longs for something a little more inspiring.

  6. Hey Doug,


    The ground looks beautiful on this one, but I feel that the sky doesn't quite live up. The alternating light/dark of the ground with those stakes popping up is just so impressive, but as my eye travels up it meets some very average clouds. It just feels incongruous. I think I would like it better with just a tiny strip of sky at the top instead of these big swathes of grey and black.

  7. This is the best in your portfolio. Good printing with the tree coming up against the darkened sky. The light for this one is very good.


    I find the clouds in back distracting. I think I would like the photo better if the sky was static. Also, I think the presentation would be stronger if the foreground was cropped slightly.


    For TMAX at 645 this print looks rather grainy. Is that a result of the scan?

  8. Good composition, especially with that guy looking back at the beggar. It looks like your contrast is a little high, though. You should re-print it at loswer contrast -- you can definitely get better tonality out of your negative.
  9. Interesting capture. Representing the Bay Area!


    I think you should crop out that black splotch that take up most of the right side of this photo. It almost looks like development error or something. Best not to have it distracting your viewer.


    No doubt you're using high film speeds here (or a wide open aperture). This exposure isn't bad, given the circumstances, but I bet you could get a little more tonality if you tweaked your exposure and your developer.

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