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Posts posted by matt_m__toronto_

  1. vincent, by not doing anything, you do others next in line a great dis-service. while i understand that funds stop you from hiring a lawyer, i would really advise you to file a formal complaint with the police department and to make a few phone calls to a local paper.


    if you let this just go away, that same cop will use the same attitude again and again.

  2. robert, when was the last time you saw 'positive news' on the news or in the newspaper? of course you will be able to show us examples of the negatives. re: the 5 year old. who lets their 5 year old play outside un attended? maybe some common sense is needed? better parenting education?


    how about this: BREAKING NEWS STORY: 12 year old plays in park with friends...has good time.


    when people are fed the negative story day in and day out, of course they will think negatively.


    your links do nothing but spread fear, and they have nothing to do with photographers. this woman who tried kidnapping the boy was alone and just walking around. maybe we should try and ban solo walks?

  3. robert edge: please stop name dropping all the different cultures and countries you have adventurously traveled. photographing veiled women and purchasing car insurance in jordan have NOTHING to do with this discussion.


    i believe you said in one post you are a lawyer? if i'm wrong i'm sorry, but your responses are typical of the 'lawyer stereotype' - muddle the facts with mundane information and get loud.


    do stick with the issue of vincent being treated horribly by someone of the law, his rights violated, and having personal property taken from him. (illegaly?)

  4. thanks for the comments.


    juan; they do make slide film in 120 and 220. this was shot using fuji provia.


    ray; it's the freelance a.k.a (half un employed) lifestyle that allows me the time to boot around once in a while. :)



  5. making good video or film is NOT easy. i find lighting to be even more important, and subject is much harder to capture.


    'filming the bride walking down the aisle is easy' - huh??? well sure it is, but filming it well and making it look good is another matter...just like taking a great looking photo of the bride walking down the aisle.


    with a photo, you only need your viewer to be interested for a split second. in that split second that viewer can usually decide whether they like the image or not...to keep looking and enjoying the image or move on.


    with video, you have an amount of time to captivate the viewer. i watched the first 30 seconds of a few of your videos, clicked stop and then the back arrow. nothing in them got my attention or my interest to keep watching.


    yes, making video and editing is fun, but i find it much more difficult than taking a decent picture.


    keep at it though if you like it.




  6. myself: old nikon f3 w/ couple primes, rollei tlr w/ fixed 80mm 2.8, recently: xpan.


    i shoot mostly for myself. some of my images i print/frame and display. i have sold enough framed prints to pay for all printing/framing costs and then some.


    i have also shot a few album covers for local indie music artist that has covered a good chunk of my kit. and have taken some images while working on film projects, that producers have gone on to use for some promotional material.


    for the most part, i shoot as a hobby. i enjoy taking pictures. if i did it for a job all the time, i'd probably like it a lot less. having an m8 or whiz bang all dslr is not important to me (right now) having a couple good reliable pieces of gear is.

  7. i would argue alex's thoughts on the xpan and say that it is an excellent hand held camera. look at the neg space you get in that tiny package. the lenses are f4, so it may not be the greatest 'low light' shooter, but i'd say for street, it's a fine camera to have on one's shoulder all day long. not sure why alex thinks the camera should be used on a tripod either. maybe you can ellaborate on that?


    enjoy your xpan. look for the 'fuji' model as they are often cheaper than the 'hasselblad' model



  8. hi all,


    i have a sony DSC-S40 cyber shot camera. 4.1 megapix. placed new batteries in

    the battery compartment, and the camera will not power on.


    wondering if there are any tricks to getting this camera up and running as it

    has been in storage for over a year.




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