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Image Comments posted by RobertChura


    I would suggest using the sharpening filter and cloning some of the dust out. Also try to resize the image to @800 pixels max on 1 dimension. The larger version is too large. The image is a good one despite what I just stated. Nice balance of clouds and the light mountain areas. Panoramic view is great.
  1. I saw it right away! I guess you know what I think a lot of too.

    Anyway, it seems a little too light. The flare is too distracting and the sky could be darkened. I am very impressed at the creativity of you finding this shape in the dunes.

    Originality very high and Asthetics needs a little more.

    Spilt Milk

    Don't listen to Don Farra, he is one if the most negative people I have seen on Photo.net and I personally think you are one of the most creative.

    I do think that this has too much "negative" space at the left. A more diagonal of the "A" the other light letters and the manhole cover might give it more impact.

    Red Bushes

    Just wanted to let you know I like this version better than the black & white and I do love black and white images. I guess it's the contrast. The red really "pops" out. If there was a green tree (hint) in the center it would really stand out.

    Composition is great too!


    Mitch, I need more explanation please. You say it is dark, but it looks great on my Monitor and my Laptop. I hear often about "darkness" on other peoples images and frankly I wonder who has the problem. My monitor shows the light green grass just to the left above the boulder as the lightest spot and the bush to the left by the tree as the greatest area of high contrast. The foreground area you mentioned looks slightly darker but it is a result of natural lighting because it is on the shady side. I made no maniplation in that area. I would appreciate a response because I am wondering how I should adjust my image,monitor or both.

    I have posted another exact image only with the Srgb profile because I have heard it makes a difference. This is the Adobe version, hence the title. Thanks!

    Tomato 9

    I don't really know why I like this but I do.

    I guess it's the abstract shape with the muted colors that allows me to get lost in thought. The intrigue and mystery is what interest the most.

    O.K. I guess I do know now why I like it.

    To me this is a piece I would see in a corporate office lobby (compliment) as an art decoration.


    I really like this as your self-portrait. It conveys to me a person that has a great sense of humor and generally a happy person. You look like someone I would like to be friends with.

    I like a lot of your other images in your porfolio as well.


    I am testing to see if people can see this when they rate a photo. Please help!.

    I you read this please leave "Pew" for a comment. Of course, anything else would be nice too

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