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Image Comments posted by david_eppstein

    Megan Red

    I found this folder from your dpreview post. This shot is the one I like best: the color and composition to me are both clearly better than the other three. Hair across the face and eye is not a problem for me, and I like the centering. What I like least, actually, is the way her hair color and texture goes wierd in the top center -- looking at the other photos, I can see that it's the model more than you, but you have an overexposed highlight that's accentuating the effect.



    in my own experience sometimes my (compressed)uploads seem quite a bit darker.


    Perhaps this is a color space issue? I upload the images as untagged sRGB and they look the same when uploaded as they do on my own computer.


    Mark -- what do you mean by "the original" for a digital photo? It's darker and a little less orange than I would have gotten by using the default raw conversion settings, if that's what you mean, but I didn't deliberately adjust the saturation.


    I like the colors and the abstract nature of the composition, but it feels too tall to me. Maybe a little off the top and bottom?


    Interesting abstract, but the lighting does not look real to me (too saturated, I think) and the composition is too binary and too equally split. It needs some third thing to balance it.


    What are all the horizontal stripes in the background, it almost looks like a scan of a bad inkjet print? Beyond that, I like the color, the wet feel of the flowers, and the blurred-out background. The shapes in the upper background make a nice abstract composition, but the edge of the bright green foliage filling the lower background is too centered, and I also don't think centering the flower stalk was the best compositional choice.


    Nice abstract. Doesn't seem to pull my eye to any one center of attention within the photo though (the straws or whatever they are lead to the upper right corner and the hot spot on the right also leads out of the photo).
  1. Nice light, but too centered. More fundamentally, though, what are you really trying to say about the bicycle and the tree? They're just there, but don't communicate anything to me. And after I look at the picture for a while the foliage dropping in from the top left gets a little distracting.
  2. Too obviously flashed, and no clear subject -- the flower cluster conveys the impression of lots of little flowers, none of which is noteworthy, rather than one big impressive flower. Background color is kind of sickly looking (too much red?). Cropped right edge looks a little haphazard, but the overall composition is too evenly framed around the flower cluster, without enough negative space on any side.
  3. This is my favorite of your crowned crane shots. If you're using any fill flash here, it's much more subtle than the other ones, I like the way backlighting highlights the crown, and the shallow DoF helps reduce the background clutter. Looks a little uncontrasty though, and I can see what looks like grain in the darker parts.


    For comparison, here's a link to my own best image of the same kind of bird. The lighting is similar, but I found a medium-toned background that contrasts nicely with both the bright crown and dark head. Unfortunately, my shot is way too unsharp, and also missing something in terms of eye contact...

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