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Image Comments posted by david_eppstein

    Young Wizard


    Obviously the skin tone is a little oversaturated and pink. I kind of think that helps

    augment the magical feel of this boy's halloween costume, but I'd like to hear other


    Nine candles


    This is just what it looks like -- an event shot from a birthday

    party. The underexposure was something of a happy accident... One

    thing I wasn't sure of, and would welcome comments on: should I crop,

    or is the dark space around the frame ok? Other comments welcome too,

    of course.

    The Haunted Wood

    I read the elves' question and answered it before reading the technical details (or Stanley's earlier post) and my answer was: Rodin's "Gates of Hell". Well done.
  1. Re no detail in the dark area -- on my monitor I can see the seams between the metal plates, but not much else. I could bring up the overall brightness and contrast of that area at raw conversion time, but there's not much else there but some rivets around the seams, so if the lack of detail is a problem even with seams visible then cropping is the only solution.
  2. I don't know, Carl, your cut looks ok too, but I'm not convinced it's a significant improvement, just different. Both versions are split vertically 50-50, but in mine the split emphasizes a light-dark duality while in yours it seems to emphasize the similarity of shapes on the two sides. It's a little difficult to explain in words, so I've attached a quick sketch showing how I see the two compositions.

  3. Gehry's buildings may not be very practical (we have a

    not-very-much-loved one where I work) but they are sure fun to look

    at. I cropped away some of the dark area on the right side, and a very

    bright highlight on the far bottom left corner. Does it flow ok now or

    is the bright bar in the center too much of a visual barrier? All

    comments welcome.


    I've tried unsuccessfully to catch insects on flowers so I know how hard it can be. Very nice color, lighting, and especially the pose and composition. The wingtip extends slightly off-frame but I don't see that as a big flaw.



    I only had time for a quick grab shot before she became aware of the

    camera and started posing. Her parents really like this one, but I'd

    appreciate a less biased opinion.

    Spidy 2

    I know this is clichéed and therefore not so useful advice, but: the bug is too small, and too centered. And overexposed. The composition of leaves is nice but doesn't seem to have anything to do with the bug at the center. And I don't care for the added frame.
  4. Cute. Maybe a little too cute, it draws attention to itself "what a clever composition I am" rather than to the actual subject of the photo. But maybe I'm overanalyzing, it looks like the sort of thing the baby's parents should love.
  5. Framing so closely around the dog, but also taking care not to leave out any part of him, has left me with the impression that you packed him into a box. I do like the use of high contrast in your photo for such a high-contrast fur pattern, though.
  6. Somehow I have the impression I should be able to put an interesting story together from a cemetary, a road closed sign, and a flaming red tree, but they're just not coming together into one piece for me.

    Snowy Pelican

    I changed the image from the originally uploaded version to a slightly brighter one with the off-color corner cloned out, as suggested in earlier comments.
  7. Interesting how, even in an abstract and featureless photo like this, the rule of thirds (location of bright highlight) can be appropriate. Anyway, although it's not a color I particularly care for, I like the textures and forms here. The more I look at it the more different interpretations my imagination can come up with for what it might be a view of.


    Too mundane a subject for me. "Oh, it's one of those annoying little streams on the beach that you have to jump or get your feet wet wading across." It looks like there's some attempt here to call attention to the nice water surface textures, but you haven't chosen lighting or angle that will really make me look at this freshly.


    The converging lines of the fence lead to...what? Looks like maybe a trash can. Is this really what you want to show us? Color looks too yellow, makes the sky look smoggy.
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