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Image Comments posted by rwhillman

    Tiny but Tough

    I think the photographer rather Fuji gets the credit for this. It is accomplished by the effective use of selective color and also the very precise angle and relationship of the white lines reaching under the flower.
  1. Thanks for the nice comment. I was at Bryce for about a week, which is less than it may seem because it all revolves around morning and early evening light. On the saturation, this particular picture reflects accurately the transparency. Bryce itself is heavily saturated with color, and when you throw a rainbow in it is over the top.

    Tiny but Tough

    Great image with wonderful use of PS. As a fellow Pentax user, I have some sense of what was involved in this setup. I particularly like how you handled the color, which gives this image great interest and a three dimensional effect, with the flower seemingly reaching out. Beautiful.


    I love this photograph, and your entire portfolio as well. Building a little bit on Bill's observation, the detail in the flower question is really limited to the two or three in the foreground center, and especially the larger two. A little tweak in PS would bring just a suggestion of detail. I may be off base, though, and offer this tentatively because you clearly have mastered this art.

    Inside Out

    This is your best shot, and a beautiful picture. Borders on the abstract, with very nice lines. Try it with a less exposure (darker).

    Flamed Tulip

    Low rating should have explanation. This shot is not in focus and is overexposed. Background is very distracting. Good eye, but work execution could be improved..
  2. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I agree, and I will experiment some more with the foreground. One thing I have encountered is that when I lighten it too much the eye moves right to the bottom, which is not what I want. But I will keep trying. Thanks again.
  3. The thing about Capitol Reef is to try to overcome the limits of film when nature is putting on a a spectacular show of color and light, which it usuall is at this place. With this kind of scene, morning or late afternoon light is the best time. Here, this is a fairly straightforward shot on slide film, with a light reading taken off the horizon hills. Problem is that the image was very high contrast, so that the sky looked fine but the foreground was a little too dark. Lightening the foreground was a fairly simple operation in Photoshop using the shadow/highlight control. I hope this helps.
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