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Posts posted by ron_hacker

  1. In his book " Beyond Basic Photography"( 1977, Little Brown and Co. pg. 91) Henry Horenstein suggests a solution to your problem. He states that "sodium sulfite acts as a mild silver halide solvent" and that "some film developers can be modified to produce finer-grain negatives by adding extra amounts of sodium sulfite. For example, Agfa Rodinal is an extremely concentrated liquid that is not a particular fine-grain developer; however it does produce exzceptionally sharp negatives. To produce fine-grain results, add approximately forty-five grams ( or two tablespoons) of sodium sulfite to each liter ( or quart) of diluted Rodinal. Try diluting Rodinal one-to-one-hundred with water, adding the sodium sulfite, and developing Kodak Plus-X ( or Ilford FP4) for eleven and one-half minutes at 68 degrees." I have developed FP4 film using this formula for the last 10 or 15 years with great results. Some of my finest B&W negatives have been produced with this combination. For Tri-X or HP-4 (HP-5 now??) he suggests a 1-75 ratio for the Rodinal and developed for fourteen and one-half minutes at 68 degrees. I have made great negs using this formulation as well. Ron
  2. Having experienced XTOL film development failures a couple of years

    ago and abandoning this developer, I am now back to give it another

    try. I have read a great deal about XTOL and Delta 100 in the forum

    but not about the time, dilution and rotation speed that seems to

    give the best results with the 120 film shot at EI 100 and processed

    on a JOBO. Except for TMX developed in TMAX developer I do not

    usually process black and white films on the jobo because of lots of

    problems with streaking. (I have never experienced this with TMX

    films)Anyone care to comment on your experiences with Delta 100,

    Agfa, TX or any other B&W film processed with a JOBO. I have

    processed all my black and white TMX film shot on a western trip but

    I have several rolls of Delta yet to be processed. Any help wwould be

    appreciated. Ron

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