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michelle a.

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Image Comments posted by michelle a.

    Old Soldier 2

    Personally I'm not so sure a tighter crop would make this better..... I think the crop on top is already pretty tight. And I like the fact that he isn't centered. Maybe having switched to portrait orientation would have worked instead. Still I like this photo.... I love elderly people with all their wrinkles and wisdom.....



    When I made this there was no preconceived idea of what it would become. As stated it was done for fun. However, the photograph of the butterfly was taken while this poor creature lay dying in front of me.


    So perhaps while I created this image became about death, decay....?

    The Winner!

    Awesome! Since she is probably about 14 years old now.... same as my son..... you have to wonder if she'd appreciate this picture now. Teenagers you know! ;) I do however think it's wonderful given the story behind it!


    When I opened this to look...... the first words out of my mouth were "Oh my God!" .... Perfect image! Pefect focus, sharpness, depth of field...



    I don't do manipulations very often. Worked on this last night just

    to pass some time. However I would like to hear any thoughts you may

    have on it. Hate it? Love it? What works, what doesn't?

    J 05


    I really love images that capture the natural emotions and reactions of children. The lighting is perfect, and I like how her colorful clothing contrasts with the mostly white background. The only thing that I find a distraction is the fireplace(?) on the left. As a previous poster I believe moving in just a bit more to fill the frame would have made for a stronger composition. There is always the option to crop that out, if desired.


    Wonderful image in any case.

    Let's Fish!

    I like it! The blur evokes uncertainty.... as if one is in a dreamscape. Continue walking and something is awaiting at the end of that dock. Something ominous.


    Like the previous poster I think that while the image itself is not bad.... composition is fine, the light is too hard! Unfortunately while we are out photographing with minimal gear, we often have no control of this. If you are up for carrying a lot of gear with you, what may have helped is another person to hold a diffuser in the direction of where the sun was shining to soften and diffuse the hardness of the sun. The other thing you may have wanted to try is a bit of fill flash to soften the shadows.... both worth while solutions/

    Cape Cod

    Sometimes it is the imperfections that make a thing perfect. I love Polaroid for all it's faults, all it's difficulties. And I've really enjoyed this image, and indeed Brian's entire Polaroid folder. I'm glad this image made POW....

    Early morning

    I didn't realize you had an account here! I'm glad you found me because now I can follow your work again. I really did miss seeing it. Your work has always been superb, and this is no exception. Beautiful imagery.
  1. Really curious as to what others think about this... This is a

    combination of 19 century photography and my own photography and

    scanography. Inspired by the work of the lovely Maggie Taylor. I've

    done relatively few of these.... enjoyable but alas definitely more

    "Maggie" than "Michelle". And yes probably far more *mixed medium*

    than photography, but ahhhh well.......

  2. Inspired by the work of Maggie Taylor..... this is a combination of 19th century photographs found at antique stores and my own photographs and/or scans of objects. All manipulated to completion in Photoshop CS2.
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