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James G. Dainis

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by James G. Dainis

  1. Very nice. This looks like the type of thing one would see on a calendar dedicated to Virginia. It might be better if the top of the sky were a little lighter to balance out the over all light tones of the scene. The sky is so much darker than the hay.


    If not for the title, I wouldn't know what this was but it is plenty sharp. I like the softly muted background and gradient tonality.


    What a great photo. You certainly do have an active imagination and the patience to set up and carry out your visualization. Not to mention that the lighting and composition are top rate.
  2. Yes, I like the photo. Very nice color and saturation. A beautiful landscape. You have an identical shot in your portfolio that is much less saturated so I suppose you amped this one up in Photoshop. Nothing wrong with that. Just like this one could have been shot with Velvia and the other with Astia. One uses the tools one has (film choices or Photoshop) to get the results one wants.


    Speed reading at its finest. This is a very nice, well composed well thought out photo. I imagine it took a number of shots to get just the right look that you wanted.

    Covered Car Havana

    There certainly are a lot of diverse elements in the photo but they all add to a good composition. Nice job. I like the way you unobtrusively added your copyright notice in there.

    Floral mop

    You do have a good sense of humor. That is a very amusing photo and very imaginative. On top of which, the composition, tones and depth of field are all right on.


    Very nice composition and lighting. I like still life photos where the photographer used some imagination to set up what looks like a simple shot. Many people would think, "I could have done that if I thought of it." That is the difference; most people don't think of it and it is not that easy. Good job.

    Paying respects


    There once was a fine photographer

    Who sidelined as a demographer.

    She went to Paree

    The people to see

    And took a really nice photo of the people and the Eiffel Tower with a Nikon D7000 set to f/6.3 @ 1/1000 sec.


  3. The perspective does make it look as if the two women are under the umbrellas and the coloring emphasizes that. I never was a fan of wide angle lenses that make buildings and lamp posts look as if they are falling over. Most people would notice that more than the forced perspective. It is an interesting shot none the less.


    Nice soft and cuddly photo. You almost have the "telephone pole growing out of the subject's head" effect but I can see some of those wooden sticks next to his neck so it is not so blatant. If it was my photo, I would clone them out.


    Pretty girl, bright eyes, bright smile. And the background just dropped enough out of focus. Can't do better than that.Great job.


    Very clever. A bit of fill flash would have helped to lighten the face and you should clone out the distracting man in the background. None the less, it is a very nice photo.
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