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James G. Dainis

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by James G. Dainis

    News Flash

    Ha, ha. Married life at its finest. I like the exposure you used to darken the background and isolate the two people. This would really stand out amongst a display of similar type photos.


    Very good. This may be one of the best or more interesting star trail photos that I have ever seen. It is very original to have the stars rotate around that tree.

    Submerged beauty!

    I really like the design made by the light reflections of the water. The beauty of the flower would be in the eye of the beholder. A well composed, well exposed shot.


    You certainly have the eyes nice and sharp. I'm trying to figure out what I see reflected on her irises. That does make for a unique photo.

    King Cool.

    This has the stark black and white street photography look that one associates with Weegee (Arthur Fellig). Good job. I'm sure you didn't use a Speed Graphic but a 50mm "normal" lens on 135 film gets that perspective along with nice darkroom work.


    Absolutely fabulous. Beautiful tones and depth of field to throw the roses just the right amount of out of focus. Wonderful deep collar to accentuate the woman's swan like neck. I even like the hat.

    Well tanned trio

    Interesting social commentary. As women's bathing suits get smaller, men's get larger, at least in the USA. My grandson said he would prefer wearing shorter trunks himself, longer ones are uncomfortable when soaking wet, but he would "look stupid" if he did so.


    Very clever and a lot of work went into this. Perhaps it would have been even better if the subject were further from the wall reducing the shadow.

    Queen of Winter

    Actually, I'm not sure I see any difference depending on memory. You could have uploaded the revised version in your photo gallery for comparison purposes. I like it so maybe it is better.

    Queen of Winter

    The overcast sky gives a blue-ish cast to the entire photo. That is fine to make the snow and ice look cold. I would like to see the woman's blouse looking more white, removing that cast and making her stand out more. This is a very nice composition and concept.
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