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Posts posted by cfimages

  1. Don't keep all you money, credit cards etc in the same place. Have some emergency cash (in USD) or travelers checks that you can keep in a different location like a hotel safe.


    If you put your bag down for any reason, stick your foot through the strap so that no one can easily distract you while their accomplice takes your bag.


    Try and get out at sunrise to shoot for an hour or two. Any non-photo people you're with will appreciate it because they'll probably be sleeping while you're shooting. And then, later in the day you can give your full attention to them.


    Try and scope out some sunset places in advance. Almost everyone likes to watch the sunset while on vacation - you can set up the tripod next to them and take pics at the same time.


    Have fun.

  2. Interesting idea, although I think I read that Philip plans to phase out the rating system, so it may not prove necessary.


    Why not make it 1 through 4 - well, we'd just end up with countless posts asking "why was this photo rated 1"? - kinda like people do now with 3s, but probably worse, due to the psychological difference between 1 and 3, even if they represent the same thing.


    I wonder if an opt-in type system could be applied, where the user can choose to take part in rating in a system such as yours that requires a little more time and (hopefully) thought. Photo's rated in such a way would be the ones in all the default top photo galleries. Perhaps even require comments to be made relevant to each rating field. Users have to give a certain number of useful critiques before they are allowed to submit photo's to this pool - say 100 critiques, too high for the "wow" commentators, but a useful enough size to determine those that are serious are joining in the advanced rating game.


    And for those who don't want to spend so much time, keep the current system, but make the resulting galleries less prominent.

  3. <i>I find the best way is to use Save to Web on Photoshop, after converting to the sRBG.</i><p>


    Doesn't "save for web" incorporate an sRGB conversion? I was always under the impression that it did, and so never bother with converting beforehand.

  4. I think that every stock agency website that I've seen has a submission guidelines section that details how they want to receive submissions. The basics for all of them are mostly the same.


    Perhaps you could start there, get an idea for what is generally required, and then contact each company (stock or other) that you wish to submit to, and clarify things with them.

  5. <i>What other consumer electronics shows are there around the world?</i>


    There's one in Tokyo at the end of the month - I can't remember the name of it though. It could be PhotoExpo, but I'm not completely sure.

  6. Trevor, is your first one from last year? I notice a year of the dog banner, but it's year of the pig now.


    Chinese New Year is probably more interesting in the west than here in Taiwan. During the week long holiday for CNY here, everyone goes home to their families to do 3 of the 4 favorite things of Taiwanese - eat, sleep and watch TV. They occasionally get out to do the 4th favorite thing, which is going shopping. Malls and department stores were jam-packed with people, streets were empty.

  7. Josh, is it possible to place your post about the ads as a "sticky" at the top of all the forums? I haven't seen the ads - not sure if that's cause I've only been in the forums not the gallery, or due to my pop-up blocker - but I've seen plenty of forum posts about the ads. It must be taking a fair bit of time for you (and others) to respond, or give links to the response each time.
  8. Here's some channel mixer recipes to emulate film.


    In monochrome mode. All are ordered red-green-blue


    Agfa 200X: 18,41,41 / Agfapan 25: 25,39,36 /

    Agfapan 100: 21,40,39 /

    Agfapan 400: 20,41,39 /

    Ilford Delta 100: 21,42,37 /

    Ilford Delta 400: 22,42,36 /

    Ilford Delta 400 Pro & 3200: 31,36,33 /

    Ilford FP4: 28,41,31 / Ilford HP5: 23,37,40 /

    Ilford Pan F: 33,36,31 /

    Ilford SFX: 36,31,33 /

    Ilford XP2 Super: 21,42,37 /

    Kodak Tmax 100: 24,37,39 / Kodak Tmax 400: 27,36,37 /

    Kodak Tri-X: 25,35,40

    And these basic ones: Normal Contrast: 43,33,30 /High Contrast: 40,34,60 and at last a generic BW: 24,68,8. I like to 50,50,0 or 25,75,0.

  9. You could always move to another country and declare yourself as a non-resident, so you don't have to file taxes. That's what I did. Caveat - it's legal under Australian tax law, which I fall under, I'm not sure if it works for other countries. But there's no reason that it shouldn't. After all, why would you have to file taxes in a country if you don't live there?
  10. I was there last October (low season) and there were more people than my first trip there in 2002, when it was high season. That being said, I still came away with almost 4000 images from a weeks shooting. I shot one sunrise in Angkor Wat itself - crowded but manageable. Most people want to take photo's of the sunrise and generally gather in one or two places only, so by walking a short distance away, it's possible to escape the crowds. There's 2 small ponds in front of the main temple - 100s of people gather at the one on the left, which is slightly bigger and faces the sunrise more directly. I shot a bit from here, then wandered over to the other pond (about 100m away). There were only 3 other people here - granted the angle is not quite as good.


    There are other temples that are good for sunrise - I shot one morning at the south gate of Angkor Thom and then moved to the Bayon. I was alone at the gate, and there were only about 5 or so people at the Bayon. I shot another morning at East Mebon and Pre Rup temples - they face east and I was the only one there.


    Sunset is a similar story - there are plenty of places free of crowds, and there are one or two places where everyone gathers. Phnom Bakheng is the main sunset spot - it was horrendously overcrowded when I was there in 2002, so I didn't even bother going there this time (2006). About an hour before sunset, most people leave Angkor Wat to head to Phnom Bakheng, which leaves Angkor Wat relatively free of people. And if you walk around behind Angkor Wat, you can shoot in the direction of the sunset with no people around.


    There's also some great outlying places that take a bit more work to get to, but are fantastic. Koh Ker is about 3 hours away, has only recently been made safe for tourists (landmine clearing) and you'll be the only person there.


    Beng Mealea is another amazing place - about an hour or so from Angkor, it's the ultimate jungle temple, and remains free of crowds. I was there with 2 others - we were the only ones there. I actually made 2 trips out to it, it was that good.


    I stayed at a place called Peace of Angkor. It's owned by an English couple - the guy is a photographer and can arrange small group photo trips (or solo if you want to pay extra) to the outlying sites. Their website is www.peaceofangkor.com Send them an email and they can give you up to the minute advice.

  11. I've done it with the same combo and there's been no problems. Just make sure the tripod is weight rated enough to hold it. If you don't know the weight rating, providing it's a still available tripod, you should be able to check the manufacturers website, or B&H to find out.
  12. I've been using CS3 since the beta was released and it's decided to stop

    loading. When I try to open it, it crashes after about 3 seconds. Bridge CS3

    still works fine. My OS is XP Pro.


    I've tried reinstalling CS3, I've tried using a Windows System Restore to go

    back to a point before I last downloaded a Windows update (it's only after the

    last Win update that PS started crashing). No joy with either approach.


    I was going to ask in the Adobe forums, but even though I'm logged in, it's not

    allowing me to create a Nickname to post the question. Well, it's allowing me to

    enter one, but keeps telling me that the nickname is taken (about 20 attempts

    ranging from variations on my name, through to my website URL, through to random

    letters/numbers - all are taken).


    Any ideas on what the problem could be?





  13. Hi,


    I hope this is the right forum.


    A few weeks ago, I sold an image to a client in the Philippines. I sent him the

    digital file and he was going to arrange the printing at his end. He's located

    on a small island in the Philippines and there's no where that will print what

    he wants nearby. So he's going to go into Manila and try to get it done there.


    He wants to print it 48" on the long side, on a canvas base rather than

    photo/poster paper.


    Does anyone know of any labs that can do this in Manila? I said I'd try to help

    him out with finding a place to print it, but google searches only seem to show

    basic Fuji/Kodak minilabs in Manila.


    As a possible other option, the client is actually French, so if he can't get it

    done in the Philippines, he may opt to send it to friends/family in France and

    have it done there, so if anyone knows anywhere in France that can do it, feel

    free to chime in. I'm not sure where in France he's from.


    Many thanks,



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