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Posts posted by cfimages

  1. Dave, I have that lens and it's not bad, but for street photography I prefer a 50mm f1.8 It's amazing how many people don't notice you when you're shooting with a 50mm, but as soon as you stick on a 75-300mm you stick out like a sore thumb. Seeing a long lens often creates suspicion in people's minds about your intentions.
  2. Is it possible to have a guideline when posting images (especially to photo critique) that you have to state in the subject line that it includes nudity. Obviously, it couldn't be enforcable due to the number of images posted daily, but I think that the majority of us are honest enough to follow it, if it were a guideline.
  3. I think that as new markets open up, particularly in Asia (China, India - potentially over 2 billion budding photographers), film will still continue to be in demand. Most of the photographers in India that I have seen around tourist sites are typically using old, fully manual SLRs (Vivitar seems to be a popular brand). It will take a very long time until the economic conditions in these countries are such that they will be shooting with digital SLRs and have the necessary software for digital darkrooms. Remember, the current price of, say, a Canon10D is more than the average yearly salary in India or China.

    As to the question of who will be leading the film market...I'm going to say Fuji for color, I don't know for B&W.

  4. Thanks for the replies guys. My rebel2000 doesn't have to many problems AFing in low light, and if it does, I just flick it to MF anyway. I was just curious, after reading so many posts about the low light AF issue on the elan7e.

    A 550ex is on my to buy list, hopefully by years end i'll have one.

  5. Hi,


    I've had a bit of a look through the archives and can't really find a

    decent answer.


    I'm at a stage where I need 2 bodies, and have pretty much settled on

    an Elan 7e. I already have a rebel2000, which I will use as the 2nd

    body. I've read in various comparisons between the elan7e and eos5

    and elanII that the elan7e peforms poorly with low light AF, compared

    to these 2 bodies.

    As more of a frame of reference for myself, does anyone know how the

    elan7e compares with the rebel2000 in terms of low light AF?


    Thanks for your time,


  6. Maybe on a slightly different tack but, the other day I was looking at some of the photos on here while I was at work. Now, I'm a teacher and there are often a lot of young kids in the office. I clicked on a photo subject line that was fairly innocent sounding (I can't remember what it was), and the pic contained nudity. It definately wasn't porn, and I don't have any problem with nudity, but as I said, there were lots of young kids nearby. Is it possible that if someone posts a photo that has nudity, they can state that in the subject line?




  7. Hi Brian & Bob,


    As the issue with deleting photos seems to be coming up a lot lately,

    is it possible to link one of the threads that answers the issue onto

    the home page. It seems that every other thread at the moment is

    asking the same question - I guess people are too lazy to use the





  8. Hi Arthur, I had the same problem a couple of days ago, so I did a search of photo.net and found the answer in about 10 seconds.


    Create a folder called "trash", move the photos you want to delete into the trash folder, then click on the delete folder button.




  9. If I could add an extra question to this.


    I know ECF can be calibrated to wearers of regular glasses, but what about sunglasses...just basic, cheap, bought in an Asian night market non mirrored sunnies?


    Only 2 more weeks (hopefully) until I buy my EOS30/Elan 7e.


    Cheers, (and sorry for a dumb question)


  10. To answer part of your question, the B&W that I've had printed by a Fuji Frontier lab look ok when printed on Crystal Archive, although there's no sepia tone (on my images at least). I've been told that it's best to have the negs processed in the regular way (ie Frontier minilab), but have the prints made by a pro lab onto B&W paper. Of course, I could be wrong!



  11. Hi guys,


    I'm a newbie to using PS7 and was wondering what are the basics I

    should learn first. I know how to open files, rotate, resize, crop

    and save but that's it. This probably sounds like a dumb kinda

    question, so sorry about that. The reason I ask is because the PS I

    have access to is the Chinese version (I live in Taiwan) and I can't

    read chinese. What I've been doing so far is googling for online

    help to find out where a particular function is, eg 3rd menu across,

    6th function down and taking it from there. Not very efficient, but

    I've not been able to get my hands on any basic books on PS yet, so

    it's what I'm stuck with.

    Again, sorry if it's a dumb question, or a confusing question. Any

    help is appreciated.



  12. The weekend market is called Chatachuk (the Ch is pronounced as a J).

    Best way to get there is a metered taxi...shouldn't be more than 100baht, its aircon, and tuk-tuk drivers are not always reliable about taking you where you want to go...motorbike taxis are definately not safe in Bkk traffic.

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