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ajoy prabhu

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Image Comments posted by ajoy prabhu

    Higher and Higher

    I have to commend you on your being able to see the photograph this way. I almost agree about the cropping, but only because that would bring the viewer closer to the branches.
  1. Good juxtapositioning! The could almost mimics the bare branches of the brush. Do you have a vertical format of this? (Perhaps more of the orange and less of the blue?)
  2. Recently I made an identical comment- timing of the day, frontal light and background takes away from the image. Other than that, the flowers in the foreground look real nice.



    Nice composition, but I am not sure about the effect. The skies are washed out and the water is not smooth and silky, like I like it.


    Seems as if the camera chose a shutter speed based upon the bright skies. I'd have used a graduated neutral density filter, or perhpas even a straight +4 ND filter to cut the light and get a slow shutter speed.

    Purple Haze

    The green in the upper left corner distracts a bit, but I wonder if it shoudl be cropped because it lends itself ot giveing the viewer a sense that there is something beyond the violet flowers.
  3. Yes, when you don't have a choice in the shooting time, you have to make do with what you have. This is pretty good actually. The only thing I'd suggest is that frontal lighting makes it flat. Move around the subject and try some side and backlighting. I know, often times that is not posible either.



    Just leaves...

    I like the halo around the leaves. Good choice of lens and extention too to throw the background out of focus. Wonder a bit about the shrpness though. Is it the scan, or is it the aperture?


    These are REAL nice!! I have been insisting that you do not need the best equipment for good images, but I guess folks like you prove me wrong at times! :)
  4. Nice picture that can do with a bit of fixing. Let the sky open a bit, don't let the overhangs crowd it. Secondly, the dark patch in the right front is distracting. Cropping will not solve it. My suggestion is that you move the angle a bit to the right...and while you are at it, photography it when the light is flattering, such as the evening or dawn.


    Just my ¢2 worth.




    Unless the scan was bad (which is quite possible!). The image seems to be underexposed. However, I have to say that your aesthetic sense is very good to not only capture what is essential, but also, keep it clean. The only other thing is that the reflection is getting cropped and I am not sure how to fix that AND have the fall colors show.
  5. I agree with most comments here. I think this was a zeal for using photoshop for the sake of it that caused the oversharpening. The scanning does not do justice to the original slide. The image was taken with a tripod (Bogen with a Grip head) but I disagree about the lens. I think the lend may play a role but at such small apertures, it is not that important.


    Just my ¢2.



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