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Posts posted by dave_lewis

  1. Yes, Hasselblad does make a B50 lens cap that fits INSIDE the bayonet of a filter. I don't have the part number handy (I can get it tonight). But you sometimes see them up for auction on eBay. It's a smaller cap. They work great.
  2. To sum up quickly...


    When the backs are made...the insert is matched to the shell and the adjustments are done right there in the factory. That's why it's critical to buy a back with the matching insert. That said...just about everyone I know who has used a mismatched back has had no problems with sharpness. So...

  3. The whole digital/film debate reminds me about old-time radio.


    About the time that FM was invented...there were a bunch of people that said the sound-quality of FM would make AM radios obsolete in just a few years. While it's true FM has been wonderful, there is still a place for AM and it's still in use today. Heck, there are some things AM does that FM can't (as in broadcast for hundreds of miles).


    So there's a place on the radio dial for both FM and AM. And I bet it will be the same for film/digital too.

  4. It's zippy for me at the moment too.


    I will say the site was slowed last week by that latest web worm working its way around the Internet. This site, like many others, was pokey ... but it seems to have straightened itself out in the last few days.

  5. I'd second the notion about Fuji NPZ in medium format. But like the other poster mentioned, rate it at 640. Buy a roll and shoot some test exposures...rate it at different speeds and see what works for you. But if I need something faster than 400, this is the film I use.
  6. Richard:


    It's Fuji <u>NPH</u> -- a great portrait film.


    And I also second the notion for Fuji Provia 400F. It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between 100 & 400 depending on conditions. It's only knock is its price. Otherwise, an excellent choice.

  7. Danielle:


    Don't tell your lab anything...shoot it at 320 and then drop it off. They'll develop it as though it were 400 and you're all set.


    And you probably should run a test. Shoot 1/3 of the roll at 250...1/3 at 320 and 1/3 at 400. Compare the results and then you'll know what you should rate your film at in the future.

  8. I agree with Evan. I, too, rarely visit the 'home' page and instead just check in at the various forums I follow. So, maybe if there was a subtle box on the main forum listing page...that would entice and remind people to click-through when they buy.
  9. I've shot with dozens of lenses over the years. All have had varying amounts of dust and even smudges on the front elements. I can't think of a single picture that was ever impacted by that.


    Also: think about it...your lens is focusing on something far off...not on that miniscule piece of dust!

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