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Posts posted by dave_lewis

  1. Hi everyone,


    It was back in May when our good friend Sandy began an impromptu

    photo.net subscription drive right here in the Leica forum. Several

    hundred people contributed $25 or more to get that neat little

    subscriber icon next to our names. The fine photo.net folks were able

    to do a series of hardware upgrades because of the influx of new

    subscribers. It's been more than six months since that effort...it's

    time to start up again.


    Just like public radio/television listeners, it's good to remind

    folks of the incredible value that we get from the photo.net



    Go to this link:

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photonet-donations">photo.net



    You can pay by credit card using PayPal (and get the subscriber icon

    immediately) -- or pay by check. One-year is $25 or three-years is

    even cheaper at $68<p>


    Regardless, think about the value you get from photo.net -- and make

    a holiday contribution now!<p>



  2. I was shooting with a 50mm at F2 this past weekend. It was my 2-year-old nephew. The little guy is fast and I spent most of my time chasing him around with the manual focus lens. Many of my shots were close-ups. But they ultimately ended up slightly out of focus. There's not much you can do when you're shooting at F2...the margins are so thin. But the best advice was just given...never take a new lens on a trip.
  3. I've shot with dozens of lenses over the years. All have had varying amounts of dust and even smudges on the front elements. I can't think of a single picture that was ever impacted by that.


    Also: think about it...your lens is focusing on something far off...not on that miniscule piece of dust!

  4. Linda,


    Yes, a darkslide should be included with every Hasselblad back sold (if not, it's perhaps one of the cheapest accessories you can buy -- less than $10).


    One other thing to watch for when buying a secondhand back...is to make sure the insert matches the back. You can tell by looking at the last three digits of the serial number on the outer shell and comparing it to the same three digits of the insert. That's important because the backs and inserts are matched at the factory before going out. Occasionally you find backs that have mismatched inserts...sometimes it's an issue in film handling...and sometimes it's not. Better safe than sorry.

  5. I get a lot of spam too ... and is interesting to look at the return addresses. But inevitably it's like the ones you posted...a valid domain (ie, photo.net) but an invalid user name (ie, that long string of names and letters you posted). It just sounds like the classic email spoofing we're seeing more of these days!
  6. Paul,


    Yes that's correct...You can read more about B&H's gray market policy here:<p>

    <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=getpage.jsp&A=getpage&Q=GreyMarketStatic.jsp">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=getpage.jsp&A=getpage&Q=GreyMarketStatic.jsp</a><p>


    And many people buy gray market lenses (they either work or they don't) but buy USA camera bodies (there's more than can go wrong).

  7. My older backs often have erratic spacing too. But it's not drastic (as in there's plenty of space between the negatives to cut as needed). So I haven't worried about it. I will once the spacing gets so close as to almost overlap.


    However, my newer backs are always spot on and never fluctuate.

  8. Dave,


    Q.G. has given you an excellent summary of the backs. So no need to amplify his technical explanations.


    But, for practical experience, I can tell you I have several older and newer backs. They all pretty much function the same. Aside from replacing the light seals on the older backs, they've all worked flawlessly.

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