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Posts posted by dave_lewis

  1. Also...some labs have more difficulty developing 220 film. It's longer and there can be problems with the film touching during developing.


    I like shooting 220. It's fewer rolls that I have to take on vacation...and less time I have to spend changing film (and by default, more time for pictures!)


    And the availability of 220 film is more limited. Most manufacturers have a far better selection of 120 than 220 film.

  2. I've replaced the light seals in my A12 (that's easy). But I wouldn't want to do more than that. Let me tell you, it's a fairly complex component and it sure looks like there's a lot that could go wrong. If I were in your position, I'd leave it to a professional.
  3. It sounds like to me your 'cache' is full. When you visit an website freqiently, Internet Explorer creates 'temporary Internet files' to make page loading faster in the future. Often the cache fills up and you have to purge it periodically.


    What you should do is click on /Tools/Internet Options/and then 'delete files' on the Temporary Internet Files/


    That should do the trick for you.


    Good luck.

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