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Image Comments posted by jdudley

    Eskimo Kisses

    Wow. You caught a truly touching moment without feeling like you're taking advantage of it. The father doesn't even seem to know you're there, as he's so wrapped up in his little one. Beautiful. The softness of the baby's skin compared to the more weathered look of the father makes for a great contrast.
  1. Very nice! I like the TOTAL silhouette effect (with no detail inside the lines of the man's body). Very cool. Great tones throughout the water, and nice cropping, too. This is an image I would proudly place along any of mine. If you get a chance--check out my page, too. I'm a new photographer and would love some feedback. Thanks!
  2. My niece and nephew, rocking on two different chairs, facing a large bank of windows. We

    were visiting my grandmother at a nursing home. It was a beautiful afternoon, full of sun

    and the smells of spring. Here, my nephew is rocking, off in his own little world, not

    seeing his sister peek at me as they're rocking. The shot was largely luck--just happened

    to capture the perfect positioning between the two (they were moving), and they just both

    happened to have great expressions. Thoughts, tips, etc., much appreciated.

  3. I can't take much credit for the photo. Everything about it that is good is because of the subject, rather than the photographer. His name is Chester, and he certainly is full of personality and love, as the shot hopefully shows. I've taken loads of shots of him, but this one is the one that truly captures his essence.
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