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Image Comments posted by jdudley

  1. Hey, thanks for the comment. Those question marks really weren't from me-must have been a formatting thing. I think I put bullet points in between them. I LOVE aviation (grew up around it) so even though most of these shots aren't the most compelling from an esthetic/storytelling standpoint, I like 'em.





    Are you a fan of Anton Corbijn?


    Your treatment looks like something he would like. I LOVE his style with his lith printing. This is about as close as you could get. Is it all digital (I didn't read the details yet)? I have tried to mimick the Lith effect, but I think I chicken out when it comes to the grain.


    Nice shot.




  2. On another shot in your portfolio, someone said you have "the weirdest eye". I have to agree, in a good way. Very nice shot here. Viewing it on-screen (rather than a print), it's hard to know exactly how the colors were intended to look...but the blue is AMAZING.


    Not sure if you considered cropping out the bottom to remove the black blob to the left (it might remove too much of the pic...not sure), but that would be my only advice.




  3. Probably one of the best shots in your Photo.net portfolio. Nice capture. If it were me, I would try cropping so that the left-hand side of the first hut is exactly vertical. Other than that, it's about right.



  4. outstanding shot here. Very nice use of your main two elements: color and focus. I would lose the cheezy frame from the file, though. Juts a clean black border is all that's needed.


    Very nice.




  5. I agree with Jacob: the shot is skewed just a tad, and that unfortunately takes away from the picture. It's not very noticeable when it's small, but viewed larger it's noticeable.


    PS would help, but just shooting a range of shots at that particular location would also help make sure the exposure itself is right. Nice idea, though. Best of this series of 3.






    Nice shot. Though it's a full-color shot, in effect it's nearly a sepia-toned shot. So see--you do get monotone!


    I like the assymetrical framing here. Makes the setup that much more interesting.




    Junior 3


    Thanks for all the great comments, guys. Tim: Woody Allen? Now that's funny. Never would have thought of that. Junior was really a great subject.


    I tried to keep the lighting really simple. Just a main light off my right shoulder, and a small bounce on the other side of the pup...then I played with varying light levels to see what I could get.


    Any tips on new things to try is always appreciated.





    Thanks, Tim. I'm not a professional by any stretch, this stuff is just personal work that I do for fun. I'm a writer, actually, but I love photography so I do my best. It's challenging. I find a lot of work here on Photo.net that keeps me energized. I'll check out your portfolio....





    Thanks for the compliment.


    As noted in the other photo of Lucky, he's a one-eared dog that was adopted from the SPCA years ago, but his owner wanted him to be an example of a how even a homeless, one-eared dog can be a wonderful pet.

    Junior 6, b/w


    Thankfully, Junior was adopted last week. I actually visited the SPCA several times after this shoot just to visit him. I think had he been there much longer, he may have come home with me.



    Junior 3


    From a fundraising effort for the local SPCA. Any comments/critiques welcome. Feel free to

    browse the rest of the folder (for more images from this series) and my portfolio. Thanks!





    From a fundraising effort for the local SPCA. Any comments/critiques welcome. Feel free to

    browse the rest of the folder (for more images from this series) and my portfolio. Thanks!



    Blurry Road


    Hey Kyle,


    First of all, the best thing I could say is to just keep shooting. you'll learn more that way than anything else you could do.


    Think about overall balance. Here, I think I would consider cropping down to lose most of the black space in the shot above the road. Maybe have the horizon 2/3 the way up the frame, so that it's more of a wide-frame setup.


    I also think I would play with your levels in photoshop and see what you can do. You're already setting up a surrealistic feeling with the blurred lines, so why not mess with the overall color balance and exposure to push it even more?


    Good luck,



  6. My only comment is this: I could tell from the shot itself that you cared a lot for your companion. And that's the point of photography, right? To communicate? Well done in that regard. I lost a pet last year myself...he had been my constant sidekick for 15 years. It's always rough, but having pictures and the memories are a great thing.


    Your picture stirred something in me, and for that I thank you.







    Interesting show, Stefan. Similar to a shot in my portfolio, mainly in terms of the wide angle lens and the saturated colors. Cool perspective/posing (though clearly the animal was doing his own pose).




    Lilly 1


    Another in my SPCA series. This one with a simulated Lith effect, done in Photoshop. This

    is a huge dog--his back was at my waist easily. But he is a gentle giant. He's actually a

    former SPCA dog, he was adopted by one of the staff years ago, but he worked his way

    into my shoot.


    Tips/thoughts from any perspective (technical or emotional, positive comments or

    productive criticism, etc.) are always welcome.




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