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Image Comments posted by zcreem

    Lucille 3


    An interesting compostion, the background is a little cluttered, would benefit from a shallower DOF. The window is a powerful aspect, but the ground is a little distracting.

    The exposure is a little off, the highlights are somewhat blown, but you managed to expose the face quiet well, which is harder with darker skin tones. Maybe a slightly different crop and some blurring of the background could bring it up a point.

    Regards Mark

    A Lane in York

    Thanks Matthew, I think it is a combination of lense and yes these walls are very old, 200 years plus, and so not quiet as straight as they perhaps were.



    I had enough fun trying to capture some bees in flight the other day, now this is something special, what flash setting did you use, or is this really a no flash shot.

    One really small thought, I am best at them, perhaps the bird could do with a little more space, especially to fly into. I see you had some space to play with so only a thought, the shot itself stands as a great one well done.

    Regards Mark.


    I like this shot both for its simplicity and for its originality, the colours are not harmonious but they work, the one can #3 from the right adds a little chaos to the colour scheme. Really nice work. Regards Mark.
  1. Almost an abstract hard to believe it is a lifeform, very striking blue, seems to blue some how, how was it lit. I would recommend you change the text or remove it is way to overpowering and distracts the eye, I think the camera make is unnecessary, unless you are running ads for Sony.

    The jpeg thing is a problem for all of us the recompression software is making a reall mess out of some pictures, and recompressing even when they are under the limit.

    Nice image very unusal, would be interested in a little info on the technicals used here, light etc.

    Regards Mark.

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