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Posts posted by unclebuddha

  1. <p>Well, OF COURSE, the cost of shipping the lens back is an extra $16 on top of the $270. I guess the hourly employee who has done many of these CLA's, maybe a hundred a day, would take less than 2 hours. But even if the tech took TWO HOURS, I find $135 an hour pretty steep. I realize Canon is for-profit and I paid A LOT for this lens (they certainly made a butt-load of profit there). Even if they charged $100 to pay for the building and heat and lights, I think $40 an hour would be pretty good wages for a tech to CLA the lens.<br>

    Just sayin,<br>


  2. <p>I just sent my 100-400 L to Canon for CLA. The zoom lock ring wasn't working and the images at 400mm seemed soft to me. I was surprised the cost estimate (before opening the lens) was $270! Does this seem excessive to you experts or is it just the cost of owning such a fine lens?</p>



  3. <p>I am running Chrome on a Win 7 machine. Today, when I browse the classifieds, the list of ads displays normally and when I click on an individual ad it won't display. I get a blank screen, the URL looks correct, and the tab I'm in says "view-one (1x1)". Any ideas? Ads won't display in IE either.<br>


  4. <p>I am far from being a professional but I'm curious why anyone would want the old-fashioned date/time stamp ON the image? The Exif data, included in your file, has the date/time in addition to lots of other things. Most photo processing houses will put a date/time stamp on the BACK of the print for you if asked.<br>

    The T camera has a larger sensor than the point and shoot so you should get better images, especially in low light.<br>

    Practice. Go to the coffee shop by yourself, look at your manual, try some shots. You can learn a LOT by doing this.<br>

    Good luck</p>

  5. <p>Well, yeah Richard, I get the newsletter too. But if you go to the Monthly Project page right NOW it still doesn't have March! I hate to bitch but I'd like to shoot the project at the start of the month for the whole month.<br>



  6. <p>Can someone please tell me how to find what the current (and future) P.Net monthly project is? I have gone to the monthly project page and it only shows LAST month's project. I have asked the mods thru Email be didn't get a helpful response.<br>



  7. <p>I think Moab is your best bet. Having lived in Vegas, Salt Lake, and Phoenix, I'd fly into SLC and drive down to Moab (you can look at Nine Mile Canyon on the way). Moab is relatively cheap and there are a lot of places for good pictures. You do NOT want to spend all your time in the car, but if you get bored in Moab, head south and then west on Utah 95, then back north to SLC at the junction in Hanksville.<br>

    <a href="../photo/1120233">http://www.photo.net/photo/1120233</a></p>

  8. <p>Bill, I would wow them with a trip thru Sunset Crater and Wupatki to start the trip. Both monuments are just north of Flagstaff. The ruins at Wupatki can make some stunning photos if the sky is right.<br>

    Page is about as close to the South rim as to the North rim. I don't think the North rim will be open in April but that depends on the weather and how much snow they get this winter.<br>

    You don't want to go off-roading in a Wilderness Area. Try to be very mindful of the fragile nature of the desert. You didn't mention where you are flying in from but the desert environment, because of lack of rain and vegetation, is extremely susceptible to damage from vehicles and foot traffic. Google cryptobiotic soil for more info. Otherwise, photogs like me will be shooting your tire tracks and footprints for decades to come. Thanks.<br>

    Motels should be available since school isn't out.<br>

    Make sure you check the water level in Zion and, if low, try to hike the "Narrows" trail. Also, there is a trail with spectacular views of the canyon that starts at a parking area just above the Tunnel.</p>

  9. <p>Jay, if you slow down the shutter speed, you blur the moon since it is a moving target! I was flying home from SLC to Louisville and tried like crazy to delay our takeoff so we could see the eclipse from altitude! Alas, we landed at about the same time the eclipse was starting and everything around here was completely overcast.<br>

    I like your composite. Nice effort. And nice that you figured out the magic of digital.<br>


  10. <p>Danti,<br>

    I think it was a very nice first effort. Why shoot in TV instead of AV? If you set AV and f2.8 you will always get your fastest shutter speed for the available light. You could even underexpose slightly to wring a bit more shutter speed out of the light. The wide-open f-stop will make you use the center focus dot and concentrate on what you want in focus.<br>


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