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Image Comments posted by mark_jordan3

  1. Another nice shot Sarah, an off-kilter horizon can be a significant distraction to an image...but easily correctable. I would also suggest either cropping or cloning out that edge of decking in the lower right hand corner. I like how you're using strong light in various ways to draw out these structures. Best wishes.




    You could try the shadow/highlight tool and some burning, but I'm afraid it's too blown out for that...literally no information in those areas to work with. When faced with mixed lighting like this in the future...even it out with fill flash, a diffuser...OR move them entirely.

    70 Foot Ring Shot

    Creative idea Richard, IMO the zoomed area has a kind of commercial feel to it though I'm just not sure applies well to this kind of image. I think it would be a fine image without the inset. One other consideration would be to take out the bright object in the lower right.

    Simple Grace

    The tough exposure situation really worked to your advantage. Great compliment of brown against the dreamy yellows and greens, excellent detail/sharpness.

    The kiss

    Great shot, the couple will be very pleased. My suggestion for improvement would be to remove the hot spot just right of the headlight...not sure I would tone anything else down in that corner, it adds a nice splash of color.


    Nice idea. On my monitor the snow appears to be be 1 to 1.5 stops underexposed. Simple fix is to meter manually as program modes will try to expose as a mid-tone.

    The arch.




    A montage can be had with any kind of film, perhaps I can illustrate. The attached is an example of montage. This is a single scan of two sandwiched frames of Velvia, the first I over exposed 1 stop and slightly out of focus...second over exposed 2 stops and sharp.

    Had no intention of implying your image is "unnatural"; just that the saturation at least I see on my monitor with this particular image is not what I'd expect from a straight Provia scan.


    The arch.


    I see this was shot with Provia, a montage (slide sandwich) perhaps? It has that appearance, but know the effect can be emulated in Photoshop as well.


    Anyhow, I like how the river subtly divides the composition between greenery and the marvelous golden tones. An impressionistic piece.



    King Neptune


    That is cool. On one hand the crowd of people add a sense of scale, but on the other hand are not particularly well lit and are a busy distraction to the overall image. I would suggest cropping.



    I like this shot, has a journalistic feel to it. Would suggest a tad more sharpening to her eyes and removal of the vignetting in the corners, IMO it does not work with this particular image.
  2. Abdel,

    Overall this is a promising shot, don't be discouraged by the lower ratings...sunset images are a common subject; keep experimenting. I see 3 sensor dust spots along the upper 1/3 of the image I'd suggest taking out with your editor.


    Interesting and moody shot. My eye is immediately drawn away from the boy's face to the bright object in the upper right corner...I would suggest cropping it out entirely and burning the fence so the light fall off to darkness along his backside is consistent.


    I like the composition and isolation of the subject. To me, focus appears to be slightly soft, tack sharp teeth would improve it greatly.




    Nice couple of uploads. While the light is soft, IMO it could be more even. Using a translucent screen here to filter the light would have softened the harsh shadows and retained more detail in the brighter areas. I always carry a collapsible screen, but even stretched white cloth will do.

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