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Image Comments posted by jean_schweitzer




    I like this one in your folders, I think you should have a better scanner. The pictures on my screen are not very sharp and are therefore very difficult to rate for some of them. I will only rate this one imagining it more sharp and clean as the original is I presume. I could give my personnal opinion on the cropping and composition of some others if you like, let me know.


    Almost Real.


    I do not think your pict need the frame you have made. It is original and well comosed withou it. In general I comment or/and rate the pictures I like most. Please do the same so we can learn from each other. jean


  1. I feel the same about taking pict with digital camera, I do not think you are a beginner (I shall have a look on the other pict of your folder later on again)

    In general I comment or/and rate the pictures I like most. Please do the same so we can learn from each other.

    Trees in Snow

    May I join to congratulate you with this picture. I do not feel I can say more that what has already said on it. I will just rate it according the visual enjoyement it gaves me.



    Thank you all, for your comments. You can't imagine how much this means to me.

    This is a place on my way to the office. It leads in fact to a very big and expansive house which is unfortunately not mine.

    Some asked the original picture which I enclose, nothing special indeed except for the composition. I had planned this pictures for several days but I was never lucky or wise to get interesting colors. Thats why I have worked to get more exiting colors. This was last summer and believe me or not but I have tried to retrieve those colors and I can't just now. I told one of you the is was something with gamma setting but ther is something more which I cant remember and you can torture me it wont help.

    But now I'm also myself puzzled and I will make some researhes about this and will be back here in some days. I know I look like one who do not want to share, but I have truely lost my receipt!



    Thanks for your positive comments. I will explain and show the original pic tomorrow (so that it does not influence comments and ratings). I have just sent another pic with similar manipulations as it seemed that this was given some interest. (see in my folio intitles"my last pictures".
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