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Image Comments posted by jean_schweitzer

  1. Bill, thanks for your visit, I'm always trying to respond so that there is a real exchange and not a one way process as it is somtimes.

    You did I nice job here it is almost not perceptible that 3 åictures were assembled, but I have never tried but imagine is is not that easy?



  2. Nice atmosphere , I'm not sure that the line in the sky adds so much, Dis you try a more tightly cropping around the building?

    Very nice anyway, Please also look at mime posted few minutes ago on the critique forum


    Well done, What colors! Magnificent...I'm impressed. I will have a look at your folio later on. Please look also at my pict beside yours (the ones with the threes). jean

    Macro of a Rose

    Thanks for your visit Aaron, you have indeed a nice folio and I will give you my opinion on this one and maybe other as well. I like the simplicity of this one, you have also done a good job to have a bakground thst fits with the pic, The only poinr is taht we no not know where excatly you have focused, it seems that the focus is on the green sleeve around the rose. To my opinion it should have been on the rose itself.
  3. good idea. It doesnt fully work as it should, I do not know why for sure , maybe you should have taken the picture in portrait format and I would have shot lower to make the first one bigger, But is still a good pic

    Father's Wonder


    Hello Simon thank you for your visit, I appreciate your useful comments, here are mine: The idea is good, but to me it doesnt work, if this was he idea I would have indicated it more clearely doing the following:

    1 blur more the baby's face so that we can at first glance see it is not what we are interested in here.

    2 Crop the picture a bit on the left, this green area is a bit distracting to me

    Finally the picture should have been taken with a bit more of you head on it.

    I do not know if it helps. anyway it is just my point of view and I do not pretend I'm right!

    I will have a look on your other pic as well

    On a winters day


    Hello Denis


    Thank you for your comment on my picture. It is really helpful. I take the opportunity being there to rate those pic of you that I love most.

    Best wishes, Jean

  4. 1) Is the shot by itself (w/out the caption) interesting enough to stand on it's own?

    Yes, even if we do not know whats going on


    2) Does reading the supplied caption add or detract from the shot?

    We cant read (too small)


    3) Is it the kind of shot you'd expect to see published in a travel mag or say a 'travel' type column?


    4) As far as the tonality and grain of the shot is there anything that can be improved?


    5) Would any kind of filtering helped to improve this shot?


    6) Could I have improved the composition somehow?

    The composition is fine to me, the top is too bright but this can easily be corrected.

    I cant post on this forum at the time If you have time can I ask you the favour of having a look on one of my pic, This one: http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=365970 thank you Jean







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