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ron c sunshine coast,qld,a

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Image Comments posted by ron c sunshine coast,qld,a

  1. Extremely good vision with this one.The lighting is flawed-one can too easily see the marks around the fingers where dodging and burning was done,plus other patches where it's not quite right.

    Still pretty awsome though!imperfect genious



    Pics like this are a good reason for photo.net to allow high res/low compression to those images that deserve it! :)

    Where should it be cropped at the left? The correct answer is that it just doesn't matter-it'll be awsome no matter what



    Well...it's good but could have been better without the editing i think

    I wouldn't mind seeing 'distracting' elements in the background if it made the pic look less fake


    This is an excellt image that has but one simple flaw-The whole torso looks like a giant breast with a tiny head attached.It just looks somewhat awkward which is a real pity because otherwise this is a stunning image

    Paints Autumn


    Yuri-lose the constant rant,huh?

    What a child you are.Some people are not giving you your treasured 7/7's for various reasons.In the case of this phot for example,some people are not taken in by oversaturation-just-for-the-sake-of-it

    Paints Autumn

    Good to see someone ignoring the photographic 'rules' with excllent composition.Nicely realistic-or it would be if the colours weren't so fake.
    What's with the rant?!
    If you want to make a point please make sense!



    An interesting one this-

    Something abit different!The strong vertical shape of the dress and the patterns dominate the picture.And as allways it's great to see somone deliberately center the subject.

    I can't decide if the square behind the subject is disatracting or not.Pity about the dreadfull dreary darkness of the whole pic-slide film?

  2. Very good angle and framing.Maybe next time use a slightly wide lens (35mm maybe).Get in closer so that the subject is the same size in the frame and abit lower so more of him is backed by the sky.
    Yeah i'm blabbering on abit.It's good as it is :)

    The Ox Race

    Excellent! You should have uploaded a bigger image though,the tiny size simply doesn't do it justice.
    Ahhh,how do they race them if they are tied together?Is race the right word for what they are doing?
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