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Dennis Newman

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Image Comments posted by Dennis Newman

    Great Blue


    Nice lighting on the heron. I like the colors and details in the feathers.


    For the most part, I like the background. But the gray twig to the right the heron, and the leaves in the lower right, are distracting to me. If there was a way to clone them out or darken them, I think it would help.



    I'll echo what Ken had to say. I'm not sure what it is you want us to focus on. But I think you're taking some good steps towards establishing a mood. It shows you're thinking and not just taking a snapshot.


    Try to ignore slash and burn comments. Sometimes people are more interested in feeding their own egos than helping others learn.

  1. Too soft around the edges, especially on the left side.


    I think the two main shapes compete too much with each other. I'd like to see one of them go away, then my eye can wander through the details more freely and you'd still have one shape standing out from the rest, giving the image a visual anchor.



    What bothers me about the image is not the empty space, but seeing the tree on the right cut in half. If you could somehow remove it, then lose a bit of the empty space, I think this would be a better image.


    The mood and color of the image is very nice.

  2. Thank you Chris and Jorge for your comments.


    Jorge, I saw your attachment. The changes you made were beautiful. But I'm wary about going too far with adjustments. I try to find that right balance of making the image as good as possible, without straying too far from the actual scene.


    It's interesting to see how an image changes after I upload it. On this photo, the color lost some of its impact. And the background mountains brighten slightly and revealed more detail.


    I thought about making the mountains even darker with the idea of simplifying the image.



    First a nitpick, level the horizon.


    You did a good job controlling the exposure. I'd prefer the foreground to be lighter to show more detail, but still pretty good.


    While I understand the concept you were going for, I don't find the beach and the peninsula all that interesting. But I think the sky has a lot going for it.



    Street Player


    I've used graduated ND filters, hand held, with pretty good results. In this situation I think you'd want to use a soft edged filter.


    It would require some extra set up, but might be worth trying if you've got the time



    Street Player


    I haven't done much portrait or street portrait work. So take this for what it's worth.


    I'd suggest less depth of field for a softer background. The light seems harsh. His pants are over exposed, pulling attention away from his face and hands.


    I like his pose and the look of concentration on his face.


    I don't think it has the sense of drama you intended. The splash is small compared to the other elements in the photo, and the big rocks in front create sort of a fence that's "protecting" us from the incoming wave.


    I like this a lot better than the sunset I saw a few minutes ago. Nice color and sense of flow from the front leaves to the back. I'd like to see the background a little more out of focus. That sliver next to the background tree in the upper right is a bit distracting.
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