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Image Comments posted by cedarbough


    This photo is terrific. I like that she is sitting, i like that she is looking back. Faceless. I love the setting combined with the nude and I even find the tilt of the buildings to add to the composition. Good job. Very good. Very original. Oh and wonderful contrast, too.



    Just wanted to hear a little feedback on this one. Sometimes I look at it

    and love it, other days I find it to be nothing special at all. Wanted to

    hear some other perspectives.


    Unfortunately _slightly_ overexposed on the left side of the statue. But, if you hadn't, you wouldn't have the details in the chamber walls which are really making this shot great. I think the solution is to use a flash. Make an exposure, on a tripod, with a weak flash right at the end to get that statue. But I am not good at flash photography yet, so i could be wrong about that. Damn i should just erase this comment.
  1. I'm having a hard time with this shot. When I saw the small version it looked great, when i clicked on it, now it looks strange... too much PS or is it a reflection perhaps? I still like it, but something seems off. I wish there was more info about the image, but you haven't told us anything special about the circumstances.
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