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Image Comments posted by cedarbough



    Love this shot! The way you've made it really high contrast really works for the subject matter. I feel like it's an old war zone-- the war on the internal combustion engine perhaps!




    The overwhelming amount of grey and the relatively central horizon line make this perhaps my least favorite in this folder. But, let me tell you, you are a great photographer, you have amazing skills, i am very impressed and my least favorite doesn't mean it's a bad shot!


    I'd give this one top marks in the series. While I do not like the scratchy effect very much, it is most flattering to this and the previous photo.


    Wow, I couldn't disagree more. I thought this was the worse of the shots, particularly because of the background. It seems like the effect you are using is trying to compensate for not such great photos.
  1. Good shot. Like all the shots in this folder, I see your eye is well developed. Your use of contrast, shapes and composition are all very solid. However, your work seems somewhat life-less. Cold. That is my only critique. In general I would give you an A+ for technique. But for heart, soul... there you are lacking. Just my opinion and it may be totally off-base. I haven't looked at the flowers yet. Maybe they'll make me change my mind.
  2. Myanma is Myanmar, Burma... They should spell it Myanma, which is how it's pronounced, but it's at least 80% (including maps internationally marketed) spelled with the 'r' another vestigal weird English spelling...


    Guy or girl? I get the Lara Croft-ish thing, but at first glance i thought this was a guy. I like it. sure, you could PS it better, but it's much better than i could do. it's a solid image.
  3. Not exactly traveling anthropology. Korea is my home, this is my local temple, and I know the names of three of these monks, am called "girlfriend" jokingly by the one on the left, they call me on my cellphone and invite me to come and visit them often for tea, fruit and conversation (I speak fluent Korean).
  4. Best photo of yours I've seen so far. But _PLEASE_ top giving yourself 10-10 for every photo. It's just silly. Liking your photos is fine, and giving yourself ratings is your own choice, but you've given yourself 10-10 for some real shit, and you can't be blind or you wouldn't shoot photos. (by the way, I'll erase this message if you send me an email asking me to do so).
  5. This looked great, until I saw the larger version and saw the airplane. If the airplane was _not_ intersecting the phone pole it'd still be okay. Too bad. Should have framed the shot with the phone pole along the left side, and the airplane nearer the center of the shot, to the right of the pole.
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