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Image Comments posted by cedarbough


    Best shot in the folder, very very interesting. Like your approach. Also, must have been hard to take without overexposing the highlights, good job on avoiding that!


    i can see what you were trying. But you needed to get down, even kneel on the ground to put the sky, not the water behind the sign. Also, eliminate all of the black whatever (breakwater?) at the bottom of the shot, and _please_ do not center your horizon line in the composition.


    your best photo. it still has a lot of problems, but at least you have tried to do something interesting, to show the silhouette of this building against a sunset sky.



    the great thing is i can give you low ratings without being untrue to myself as an artist. you truly are posting nothing but crap. hello, these photos were taken in a _zoo_ and you didn't even make an effort at good composition! I'm afraid that to tell you what is wrong with your photos would take me more time than i feel like giving you, but just a quick few

    1. this photo is not in focus

    2. this photo is overexposed

    3. this photo has terrible composition. the two kangaroos are overlapping, but are not in a similiar pose. therefore legs of the one are blocked which looks unnatural. also los of the tail of the foreground kangaroo is terrible. the setting around the kangaroos is bad (of course, it's a zoo) so you need to use a long lense to isolate. also, when trying to shoot wildlife, you will notice the masters usually find a contrasting background for their critter, here you have a grey backdrop for a grey animal. that doesn't work at all!


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