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jay bee

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Posts posted by jay bee

  1. I was looking at prices for 50 roll bricks of Tri-X at B&H and

    noticed the considerable difference between USA - $212.50, USAW

    (Grey) - $149.50 and Imported - $104.50. Is there a real difference

    in film quality or should I opt for the lowest price? I'm not a pro

    or anything but want to make sure that my images aren't given short

    shrift. I've liked my results that I've gotten from the single rolls

    I've purchased at my local photography store and want to standardize

    on the film, hence the desire to purchase a large quantity.


    Please let me know which I should opt for or concerns I should be be

    wary of.



  2. I understand the value of Passport, thanks Jay. The larger question is does the very existence of Passport price Leica cameras and lenses out of range for a greater number of photographers? Is it a significant part of Leica prices? The lesser question is my elmar dilemma.
  3. I was just wondering something regarding the cost of the passport

    warranty. I want to buy a 50 collapsible and went to my local dealer

    who is having a Leica Day on Saturday. I can get a new one for $625

    (with the LD discount) or a slightly used one for $450. The

    only "real" difference is that there is the lack of the warranty for

    the used lens.


    So, is the insurance worth a close to 40% premium AND more generally

    does the existence of the warranty inflate the cost of Leica stuff

    too much? Could they remove the warranty (or modify it to perhaps 1

    year), drop prices and increase sales?

  4. I have had my M6 TTL for a year now and have to say that it has been the most fulfilling and educational time I've ever had in photography. A lowly amature, it has allowed me to learn more tangibly and although I'm sure other cameras could have afforded me this education I don't think it would have been nearly as fun. Yes it allows you to capture great pictures, but for me its helped my learning process in photography.
  5. Much discussion has occured regarding the differences in the

    direction that the shutter dial turns for M6 TTL/M7's vs. the rest of

    the M stable.


    I would love to aquire an M4 as a second body to my M6 TTL but am

    concerned about the discrepancy in the shutter dial direction. Is it

    at all possible to modify the dial in a cost effective manner to make

    them consistent? My preference would be to modify an M4 and perhaps

    even install the "oversized" dial.


    Having no mechanical familiarity with the inner workings of these

    gems I thought I'd ask y'all.


    Happy Thanksgiving

  6. I have a 50mm Summicron Rigid that I'd like to get CLA'd. Since I

    live in Bergen County, NJ I brought it to the Leica USA folks in

    Northvale to have them take a look. They quoted $114 to do a thorough

    CLA and that it would take them 2 weeks. Based on some recent posts,

    I'll allow that 2 weeks may be an optimistic timeline but wanted to

    get your thoughts on how reasonable the price is vs Sherry and DAG.

    Additionally, any comments on the relative quality of work among the

    three sources mentioned would be appreciated.


    Thanks much,


  7. Chuck - you're going to set off a debate on the merits of 35 vs. 50 to start your Leica life off with. I have both the 35 and 50 crons and like them both equally albeit for different purposes. Purchased them both second hand - a 50 rigid and 35 pre-ASPH version and haven't been disappointed with either.


    Go with the Leica 50 if you're convinced thats the focal length to start with as the glass is the real reason the take the plunge into Leica IMHO.




  8. Another one supporting the bottom loading for structural reasons. I like the fact that it can take a beating, especially when it comes off passport coverage. As most have said, its no big deal and you really have to have your hands full for it to be cumbersome.


    Plus - I believe I'm able to get more shots per roll of film because of this loading method. Perhaps I'm wrong?

  9. Victor - Had a very similar experiece with an F100. Purchased one new a year ago June and by October realized that it didn't help my learning of the principles of photography. Sold it and purchased an M6 TTL and haven't looked back since. Its not only a great tool for taking pictures because of its quality and portability, but it is a great "teacher". At least thats been my experience.


    Much luck,


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