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jay bee

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Posts posted by jay bee

  1. For me it was a matter of learning how to be a better photographer through the manual nature of the camera as well as aquiring something that would hold its value and last for decades. The lenses were something that would provide for the best quality images and do it all in a supremely portable package. I would say that status is a non issue because of the relatively few who appreciate what Leica means to photography.


    There are many reasons to own Leica, status not among them for me. Perhaps those professional photogs here might have them for the heritage of Leicas in the world of PJ.


    As far as other aspects of my life, I would say that my home and autos mirror my philosophy with photo equip - great value for the money and certainly things that allow me to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Again though, its a matter of my appreciation of these things and NOT what they convey to others about my lot in life.


    A big for instance is that I own a fine swiss watch that rarely sees the light of day because it is nothing more than a status symbol that would not portray me the way I want friends, family and business associates to see me. Its nice and it was a graduation present, but it just isn't me.


    Guess I may be image conscious, but to the extent that I want people to see me and not my things.


    Long winded, but hope it helps.

  2. The equipment will go to my daughters for their use. Being 4 and 1 they don't have the dexterity yet, but thats in development.


    The photos will be the archive of our family experiences and continue to grow through their use of the gear.

  3. Here's another question I suspect many of you have encountered in

    your Leica travels. I shot a roll of Fuji Acros 100 at 400 by

    accident this weekend. I don't do my own developing and the question

    is - should I get the roll developed? If so what sort of

    directions/suggestions can I give the developer other than the fact

    that the film was pushed?



  4. My first camera was one that I purchased for my wife as an Xmas

    gift. She had been a photog in college and I wanted to rekindle

    those flames in her. Unfortunately, I became the picture taker for

    the family and now I've got the Leica disease. Boy is she lamenting

    not picking up that Nikon 6006N with 35-105. Still a great camera

    and my SLR.

  5. Having handled the Digilux at two recent Leica Days I can say that

    the build quality that M users are accustomed to isn't there. Really

    chincy feel and pretty bulky. I actually preferred the earlier

    Digilux 4.3 joint effort with Fuji much better.

  6. I started with a 35 cron when I got my m6ttl in December and quickly

    picked up a 50 cron rigid in January of this year. I must say that I

    like the 50 better, it allows me to be more selective in terms of

    what I include in the frame while I find the 35 to be much more

    inclusive. It works out well because now I find the 35 is as wide as

    I need, at least for the time being. Allways need a new toy...

  7. As someone who does not like neck straps, I took the advice of a

    poster to a similar question and purchased some of the thinnest

    climbing rope from EMS and fashioned a wrist strap. Keeps the camera

    ultra handy & secure all for about 80 cents.

  8. For me its an image that evokes a feeling or captures a moment that I

    want to remember ad infinitum. It generally has little to do with

    the technical aspects of photography and more to do with the spirit

    contained. I know this must sound a bit "soft" but since I'm not a

    professional I tend to be more forgiving when it comes to things like

    lighting and more concerned with whether or not I have a memory to

    keep and savor for my family.




    Its also true when I look at the work of folks from this forum - I

    tend to try to personalize the picture to see what it evokes in me

    since that is my main criteria for my own stuff. In fact its why I

    think that the whole "it does little for me" debate raged on earlier

    this week. Pictures either capture something for folks or not and

    the prettiest lighting, etc can often be very meaningless if the base

    image doesn't do it for the viewer in question.




    For instance this past week's POW on photo.net was a non starter for

    me but clearly elicited raves from most.




    My 2 cents...

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