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Image Comments posted by jwedehase

  1. Looks like you needed a macro lens. I also just started working with slide film. Coincidentally enough, I also chose Provia.


    I had many of the same results you did. High contrast, easy to under expose. I didn't seem to get the brightness out of the film until I went into full stark daylight. Provia seems to be very much a daylight film.


    Here were my results the second time around: http://www.cam360.com/multimedia/gallery7.html


    There are a couple OK shots in there. These are all from the same roll of film.


    This same type of shot could be really cool if the tire were a large ball of some sort so that the straight shadow lines became curved lines, showing the shape of the ball.



    Great shot. Wouldn't change cropping. This shot tells a great story.


    A young boy's natural sense of adventure takes over during the middle of an exam. The reason the girl isn't looking is that she's still paying attention to what she SHOULD be doing. This young boy, however, has a better sense of reality, and decides to take charge with what HE wants to do.


    Consider it along the lines of the famous scene from Disney's Fantasia. Mickey begins commanding the brooms, just as this boy is about to command his own mischief.


    I can hear the boy saying "Welcome... to MY world." Great story. Not just a picture.

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