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Image Comments posted by jwedehase


    Do as I say, not as I do... no, it's... Do as I do, but only.... oh, how's that go? Great shot, very entertaining to look at. And I'll third the motion for cropping top and right.
  1. Good idea! I like the concept, but think I'd prefer the rope to exit the frame on top, rather than on the left. I'd like to feel more like I'm looking down the length of the rope than directly at it. It would also be nice if the rope went somewhere, again, so there's direction. Perhaps if the rope either disappeared into perspective heaven, or ran up a mountain, or something. Then the photo would feel more like a complete visual journey.

    Bike Ramp


    My guess is Photoshop motion blur seems to be the most likely candidate. It looks good, especially considering all the layers you had to cut up and create so there wasn't any blur of the rider. Nice detail there.


    I gave an aesthetics of 6, but almost 7, only because the motion blur is also a little too obvious/strong. I really like the tilted lines both the windows and ramp make, it helps set up the sense of imbalance to make this shot really move. I almost want to grab the arms of my chair so I don't fall out.


    The duotone works well, too, as I assume there were probably a lot of loud/clashing colors. The blue was a good choice, as it's what we'd expect, looking up into the sky.


    Ah, the shade. These poor tigers need to be lit up to display their contrasty colors. They camoflauge entirely too well in partial shade. Get this guy in the sun (or at least overcast) and I'd bet you'd have some real punch to the photo. I'd also like to see the photo without the eye shine. Pretty cat, though.



    First, I like the "dead space." I would not remove it. However, I would warm this photo. Don't forget to re-establish white point with that digital, or use a warming filter. I'd warm it something like this (hope you don't mind me editing this).

  2. I like this one just as it is. It has just the right amount of DOF, and GREAT sharpness. Good job on that! And catching that inside wheel up, great. I'd only wish for a larger image. I also just noticed great juxtaposition with the Ford logo on the windshield and in the background.


    It's photos like this that prove there are some benefits to overcast weather on race day.

  3. A huge majority of what I shoot is race cars, specifically supermodfieds. Similar situations, just put some asphalt down on the track.


    First thoughts: Shooting these cars at night is just about impossible and usually results in rolls and rolls of wasted film. Lighting is so difficult, and the cars are moving over 140MPH on a tiny little 1/2 mile track. Even with an attached flash with some pretty good lighting power, everything is just so iffy. I shoot ISO400 in the day, and if I HAVE TO shoot at night, it's 1600 for sure. The only guy I've ever seen have any decent success had a custom modified flash that blasted light to a distance of about 180 feet. He said he had a modified reflector dish, as well as some bulb voltage modifications. You can see this guy was much more prepared than I ever plan to be.


    With that in mind, there are a couple other problems, all inherent to short track racing. The fence, for one. Don't you just hate those fences sometimes? I'd try getting a little closer, maybe sticking the lens "in" the fence, so to speak. This will also get you a lot closer to the action, make for great crops, possibly better detail, and better fill by the flash.


    However, keep shooting! I think I wasted about a dozen rolls of film before I started figuring out what worked for me. I'm using a Canon ELAN 7 and a 100-400mm zoom. I'll post some of my pictures soon, as I've been meaning to for quite some time.

  4. Wow, interesting! I'm not sure if the front swimmer (diver) is too dominant, but this shot wouldn't have worked if either of the swimmers weren't in the shot.


    The DOF keeps it fun to look at, and good choice, obvisouly, focusing on the back swimmer, rather than the front (whether or not it was an accident, I don't care, it works). Originality 9



    This has been an interesting read. Tony Dummett, you're within the top 5 on my list of all the photo.netters whose opinion I respect. Daniel Bayer is also in that list. With that in mind, I was very surprised to see your comments.


    Fist things first, the red mask. All jpg images will do that. That's the technology of the image type. I'd suggest your own images probably do that. This particular image has the obvious black chunks due to the digital aspect, I'm sure. Scratch that argument.


    Second, negative space. I like it, it's an implied "remainder of the guy's head." If the guy were fully lit, his head would be full frame. I don't have any particular problem with that.


    I feel the image is a decent facial feature study. I feel it does a pretty good job portraying dimension with the different depths to the nose,cheek, and hat. Maybe it's just a photo class image, and nothing more, as suggested. I don't know that is reason to classify this as "boring."


    I can't help but think of Wilford Brimley every time I see this image. It makes me want to eat oatmeal.


    I don't think I'd have any problem at all with this photo, if I didn't have to look at the ratings. Oh well. Mr. Dummett, I'm just very surpised to see how negatively you look at this image, when I've grown accustomed to agreeing with you. I'd probably rate the image A7/O6, for whatever that's worth.

    Yosemite Light

    I am also surprised by the mediocre ratings. This was one of those photos I just had to see as large as possible, because it was something totally new to me. That filter was a great idea, this shot almost looks as if it was taken underwater. Great shot!
  5. My Mother-In-Law is the National Trails Coordinator, and her first comment on seeing another set of these photos was that the place is so beautiful that they're easy to take. She was looking at Leping Zha's set.


    Nonetheless, I insist these are great shots, and would love to go myself. The Coolpix 990/995 has proven to me to be a great prosumer level camera, and here's proof. I'd only wish to have warmed the photo just a little bit, to completely remove the blue digital haze. However, this can easily be done in Photoshop curves.

  6. I like to spend a lot of time at the local zoo, and encounter this kind of thing often. It sure was nice of the cheetahs to pose for you, wasn't it? I find lots of animals aren't really into that.


    On the critique side, I'd hope for a little more sharpness in the cats, but that could be a function of the scan, possibly. I've lately started manual focusing, not trusting the AF to be as good as I used to trust.


    Good color. I'd photoshop out that little anomoly on the far right.

  7. I'd agree on the background color. I'd change either the background, or her shirt, or maybe both. Maybe try a stark black/white combo, instead of both being mid-grey.


    I also kind of wonder what happened to her hand, it looks so hidden it appears cut off in her hair.

    Sinisorsa 02


    Nice, sharp. I realize this is a nature shot, so you can't do much about the general "noise." If you could, though, it would help the duck stand out a little more in the photo.


    But, again, nice and sharp, and decent color, though obviously digital. (I'm still trying to decide if that's a bad thing or not, yet) :)

    Armageddon II


    I like the cropping, wouldn't change it. The city below not only affords scale, but proximity, which is part of the reason this shot is so good.


    I like the color a lot. I like the the whole cloud area can be seen, given a visual finality to the subject. I've personally started to put some effort into creating a new package theme of "God versus man" and this shot would fit right in. Man thinks he's big... then look at this shot.


    Great shot.

  8. I am a heavy Photoshop user for all kinds of effects, but I'm still not decided on whether or not this stuff belongs on this site. After all, this isn't a photograph any more.


    Beyond that, I don't see any particular subject in this photo. There's the girl, in center, with someone in the background who is much more exciting to watch. There is the large balloon, but it's a dull and grey as everything else in the photo. Nice tripod in the foreground, too. That probably should have been moved.


    I'd like to see this photo without effects. I'm left wondering what colors that balloon actually is.

    Ephesus 1


    Great imagery. You have an image of the Savior with several implied perspective lines pointing to a vanishing point somewhere in heaven. I like that the perspective lines don't meet in the photo. Everything points up, beyond what we can see.


    Colors are also very soothing. It's a very relaxing image.



    Nice idea. Looks like fun. I like the big splash on the left, like a big rooster tail. However, the rest is a little too noisy, IMO.


    The "water debris" is a little distracting and hard to look through. I wonder if a polarizing filter would maybe help the water below, also? I'm not sure about that.


    Good idea on the shot, try a few more, and see if you can pull out less splash noise.

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