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Image Comments posted by einar

  1. Thanks for liking it. The challenge with the location is that there are nothing available down here to create a good foreground. There are more buildings at the far side of the river to the right, but notting stunning. Personally I think its the sun light that makes this shot.

    Rocking the waves


    A windy and rainy day at the Sola Beach provide perfect conditions for

    wind surfers, but not for photographers. Think I managed to capture the

    energy in the wind and the rough conditions the wind surfers challenge.

    Tried it in square but think this is the best.



    The gull was standing on something that created a perfect reflection.

    Found this quite amazing and made a shot out of it, What ya think? //Einar



    This shot is made from my 15 foot boat in the gap of the Stavanger City

    Fjord. It shows a home coming vessel in the setting Sun, while the vessel

    is to pass the Tungesnes lighthouse. The sea was rough, but I think I

    captured a golden moment. What ya think? //Einar



    Testing my Nikon 85mm in natural light. Setting sun provides the backlit of

    his head. The TV provides the shine in his eyes. What ya think?

  2. Managed to find a spot with a view to the coasters highest point. As the

    thing rotates I had several attempts before I captured this one, where all

    the kids faces are visible and not hidden behind some mechanical stuff.

    The shot is captured using my Nikon D300 with a 70-200mm at 130mm, f5,

    1/1250s at ISO 200. Comments welcome.

    At Kjærag


    There is +1000 meters down to the sea at one of the most spectacular

    fjords i Norway. Exposed at ISO 200, 19mm f7,1 and 1/60 second. Below

    his there is only granite and death. Think the inclusion of the kid

    makes it more living. Comments welcome.

  3. Looking down into the Lysefjord, one of Norways most dramatic fjords.

    The picture is shot at ISO 200, f7,1, 1/160 second. Think the shot

    captures the drama at this particular viewpoint and by including the

    boy in the picture makes it more living. Comments welcome.

    Lars and Dorthea


    Thanks for comments. Agree with most of what you write, especially about the hands and Dorthea´s eyes. Will try to use the fill in flash next time I face similar situation. 

    Kind regards




    Captured these two glassblowers at Murano island outside Venice. Think

    the photo shows the concentration and collaboration required to create

    the beautiful pieces of artwork made here. The picture is exposed at

    ISO 800, 55mm, f7,1 and shutter speed 1/25sec using only the light

    available in the workshop. Comments welcome..

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