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Posts posted by henricus

  1. Well, I can't find any extra batteries for my D200 and there are no generic ones just yet, so I had to drop some money and get the MD-200 so I can use AA batteries if my only battery runs out. I went to Best Buy, my Local Camera stores and untold number of online stores and nuttin! I chat with my favorite local camera store friend and he tells me they are having hell getting anything from Nikon. I'm just curious what the heck is going on. If it is just a spike, then why can't my local retailer get a lens that has been in production for several years now?
  2. <i>"There is no law like that."</i>


    From the texas Penal Code:<p>

    "ᄃ 38.15. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC DUTIES. (a) A person commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence interrupts, disrupts, impedes, or otherwise interferes with: (1) a peace officer while the peace officer is performing a duty or exercising authority imposed or granted by law; . . . ."<p>You may not agree with the officer's perception or interpretation of this law, hell a judge might even agree with you and the case could even get dismissed! But now you must defend yourself in the arena designated by the law. There is an ole saying, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. You were lucky, you just got a ticket. I wouldn't behave that way in Texas, here it is a ride.

  3. Oleg,

    <p>I am not questioning the veracity of your story, but in my experience there are always two sides to a story and then there is the truth. Go to court and present your side to the judge. A ticket is not a conviction, it is a summons to appear in court to answer the charges. Good luck.

  4. There is no difference between the AI and AIS. It is the same Gauss type formula since they changed it around 1972. Some of the early AI 105/2.5 lens were released without multi-coating. They are designated with a P. You can read more about Nikkor lenses at <a href="http://www.naturfotograf.com/index2.html">Bjorn Rorslett</a>, where I got this information. <p>There is an older NON-AI lens that was a Sonnar based formula. I bought one and had it converted to AI. I can't speak to the 135/3.8.
  5. Thomas,<p>

    Thanks for the input, but I don't use the green "Auto" setting and I was nowhere near the DOF button. Also as noted in the previous post, the other error you mentioned is actually FEE and not ERR.


    Today I found out what is the matter with my camera. The shutter is bad and is being replaced under warranty. I thought it interesting that I shot over 1000 shots before it went bad. I'm glad it is under warranty.

  6. I experienced a problem with my D70s that I heard reported round

    these parts. I was clik'n away at an audition when the mirror froze

    mid-flight blanking my viewfinder and generally freezing my shutter

    and displaying "ERR" on the top-left corner of the LCD screen.

    Nothing would release it. Not powering down, not removing the lens,

    not removing the memory card, nothing. I switched bodies and my

    brother took my camera and as he was looking at the "ERR" message,

    it cleared of it's own accord. I did a search here and found

    another person who experienced the same problem. However, this

    other person waited until it happened several more times.


    I called Nikon USA and they told me the following.

    <i>"It is recommended that the camera come in to Nikon Service for

    evaluation to determine the cause of the mirror hang. It may be that

    it may not do this again, but it would be prudent to have the camera

    checked out to ensure that it will not happen again."</i>


    I sent it out that day. I was told that the turn-around was seven

    to ten days. I'm crossing my fingers, I hate being with only one

    camera and I don't want to break out the film.


    I don't know if this is a common problem, but I wanted to post this

    in case it is and so others can benefit from my experience.

  7. <i>"Nice thing about it is a shutter is built in, now that would be one quiet M!"</i><p>Maybe you should consider a Russian FED2 to start with. There is a "bunch" of room in these babies and they are a dime a dozen. You could remove the shutters from the cage and stick electronic gear all over the place!<p><i>*The use of "bunch" and "dime a dozen" are used for effect and do not reflect the actual space or price of said camera. :-)</i>
  8. I'm not an expert, but in my experience the F4 is by far the most compatible auto-focus film body for use with any Nikon manual focus lenses. It is a hybrid of sorts that demontrates where Nikon was going with their design. The F4 is a little bit manual and a little bit auto. A wonderful camera that is a must have for any Nikonian.

    <p>On the digital side, I have a D70 that I use old lenses with. I just had my 105 f2.5 converted so I could use it on my D70. It cost me $45.00 with shipping. Although I can't use the meter, I can still use my noggin to figure exposure.

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