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Posts posted by henricus

  1. <i>What's the advantage of scanning as a color positive and inverting later, rather than scanning as a BW negative?</i><p>EB,<p>I took this advice from some folks in the digital darkroom forum. I tried scanning as a B&W negative and it seems that you lose some of the dynamic range when you scan them this way. Of all the methods, the color positive was the best route. Anyone else have a better way?
  2. I finally got the dough and bought myself a Scan Dual IV. I know it

    is not the best, but it was in my price range and it fits my needs to

    a tee. The following shots where taken with my M6-35/2 Asph, using

    Tri-X at ISO 1250 and developed in Diafine. I scanned them as color

    positives and inverted them in PS. Not the best shots in the world,

    but I like them.<p><center><img



    This last one was shot at night with two lamps in the room. Most of

    the shadow detail in the forefront was lost, but I still like the

    image. This second one is a crop, while the first isn't.

  3. Thanks Travis. The original was not what I was hoping to get. I was driving in heavy traffic when I saw this poor soul writhing in what seemed like pain. I wasn't close enough with the 28mm and I didn't want to get rear-ended, so I took two snaps before the horns started going off. I had to shoot without the view finder and across my passangers face. Anyhow, I was fooling around with PS to see what if anything I could do with it. Here is the untouched original.<div>00CGLn-23633484.jpg.55b07a469ef86b3e2ada56351e02173c.jpg</div>
  4. I'm not sure, but I think this is the oldest I have. It is a picture of my great grandfather (with the sombrero), his mother (arthritic hands) and a family friend (Gonzalo). They are at standing in front of Gonzalo's dead baby. The arthritis has shown up in our family, so we know where it came from. The baby is hard to see so I've put <a href="http://www.myfamily.com/isapi.dll/c/content/f/viewproperty/siteid/TbbEAE/contentclass/PICT/contentid/ZZZZZZYR/propertyname/Original/~/Enrique_Guadalupe_Gonzalo_and_His_Dead_Baby.jpg">this link to a bigger shot.</a><div>00C6iR-23352884.jpg.4c0ca258a806e245d84ec5b9c50a041c.jpg</div>
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