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Image Comments posted by mark_l

  1. I usually find this angle of shooting to be less than flattering for the people involved, but you managed to pull it off quite nicely. I would have liked to see a more zoomed out view or, conversely, a more tight crop. It seems caught somewhere in between.
  2. I like this photo...it definitely conveys the wide open, airy space it must have seemed to you. What makes this photo more special is the tiny details that draw you in. First there is the young lady pulling the sled (?). You look at her gaze, and its directed towards the horizon, where there are two other people (?) and a bird flying across the open sky. Hard to see exactly everything, but on a large print, must be great. The only thing I would possibly do is crop the foreground a bit, to draw the subject to the lady in the foreground, and make it more "personal". Also, crop a bit off the top to cancel out that slightly too bright cloud. I attached an example of what I mean.




    This photo caught my eye out of this folder, simply for the interplay between light and shadow, and for the interesting perspective given. It resembles looking through a telescope. This effect can be illustrated when converted to b/w as seen in the attached photo, where the shadows and framing are really emphasized. Nice photo!


    window light

    Good choice in depth of field. I do like the emphasis on the eyelashes, as they serve as a surrogate for the maxim "focus on the eyes", and help provide balance with the blurred out arm and chest.

    at a bookstore

    I like how the tilting of the frame adds motion to a static environment. However, I think it is a bit too severely tilted, and the lack of adequate blurring detracts from the focus on the subject. Good capture of her pensive attitude though!



    The high contrast is what makes the photo a step above the mean. Also, the slight tilt adds motion to the photo, in a for the most part non-distracting, complementary fashion. The capture of the bride smiling is also good. Minor quibble is the crop might be better if it were tighter and less centerweighted. This would have the effect of cutting part of the picture frame out of the photo, and placing more full emphasis on the bride and what she is doing.



    I like this photo for the tightness of the crop. However, things that could be improved would be an emphasis on focus of her left eye. It appears that focus has been placed on her right eye, thereby making the right side of her face seem a bit too blurry. Also, while it is a good photo, it lacks the emotional impact of your other one in the series. There doesn't seem to be any context or story portrayed by either the pose or the facial expression in this that can serve to draw the viewer into having a deeper connection. Still, a nice shot!


    The lady sitting with her hat on is what makes this photo stand out! Great job on selective focus. It could have been a more standard architectural/structural type shot, but the placement of the lady in the field of focus was a good choice.
  3. I like the predominance of red in this photo. It evokes a certain sense of "Old World" to it. However, there appears to be a bit of a blue/purple cast to it that is distracting in that it seems a bit murky.
  4. I like the idea of this photo, but the choice of cropping presents information overload to the viewer, or at least it does to me. Would be strengthened by cropping out right 1/3. Nice idea though!



    I like this photo/pose better than the other b/w photo I came across. I noticed a bit of a color cast to the photo. Also, I think the photo would benefit from eliminating the background foliage or making them less "bright" so as to drop the subject more into focus. I attached an example of what I think would enhance the aesthetic value of this photo. Also, I think a slightly tighter crop would minimize the focus on the dress , and more on the model/bride. All in all however, nice work.



    I like the drama presented in this photo, her eyes are striking. I like the crop of this photo as well, adds a sense of intimacy and forcefulness...this is the one I enjoy the most of the series. Nice work!

    Wedding snapshot

    The photo is fairly good, but the addition of the selective color does not (in my opinion) add to the value of the photo. It seems to detract from the portrait, and make it more an example of Photoshopping. Perhaps a more muted toning of the flowers would have helped it turn out less forced. I like the bride's facial expression however...very nice!

    little girl


    In contrast to some of the other comments posted, I don't find this photo pretentious, or lacking in artistic style. Photos of children have been done before. Photos of desolate streets have been done before. Photos of both in near infinite permutations have been done before as well. Does this negate the value of this shot?


    To argue that a photo is pretentious is to say that it attempts to mean or say something beyond its stature. I don't think this is the case here. In my eyes, this is a very well done photo that can mean many things to many people. The lack of detail in her face/head/pose adds to the subjectiveness and allows one to interpret it as they see fit.


    The blue tone also adds to the photo. Had it been rendered a stark b/w, it might have lost some of the child like perspective that the photo seems to project. At various glances, it appears foreboding due to the isolation of the child, at other times, it appears less sinister, due to the placement of the bikes in the background, and the street pattern and layout evoking a playground type environment.


    Some photos tell a story (war journalism as an example), others require imagination to create a story...I think this photo is in the latter category. The photographer made no dramatic claims to exemplify "ART", simply titling the photo "little girl". Its up to the viewer to place that girl and the photo as a whole in a context that they see fit. More work perhaps, but more interesting to me as a viewer.

    Lighthouse sunset

    Nice photo...the colors are great! Minor critique is that the silhoutted trees over-dominate the left hand side. Also, the file is huge! Its hard to see the whole thing unless on small thumbnail, which is small...nice job nonetheless!
  5. The contrast of the blue in a mostly monochromatic shot gives it a sense of power and force. This shot has been done before several times (hence the 5 = median for originality), but I enjoy this photo so a 7 for aesthetics. Good job!
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