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Image Comments posted by timberwulf

  1. Bad translation (Google translator) but:


    utilizar la m᳣ara unsharp en photoshop con un 1 radio del pixel y valor 80-100%


    USM = Unsharp Mask in Photoshop CS2. If you don't have Photoshop CS2, you can use the Sharpen filter, just make sure your radius is 1 pixel or so.


    I didn't realize sharpening with a large radius would do that!

  2. Very nice color, and good use of what looks to be a combination of motion blurring and depth of field to create movement and tension. Almost looks like the area around the matador was darkened artificially though - this shows around the cape. I like the idea, I'd just like to see it blended a little better.


    Overall, nice capture. :)



    Incredible expressions. They say that the eyes are the window into the soul, and you have managed to capture that in such a beautiful way in this image.


    Everything from the composition, the detail, to the colors and the lighting are wonderful in this shot.


    Excellent work.

  3. "During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumnof the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, Ihad been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly drearytract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of theevening drew on, within view of the melancholy House ofUsher."

    -- Edgar Allen Poe - The House of Usher

    It was a real tossup whether to put this in Fine Art, Nature, orArchitecture. :)

  4. Great effect! - I assume it's lens distortion. The way the fence bends really compliments the roller coaster's shape. The sky looks like it may be just a touch over saturated though. :)


    Very cool image, nice job!

    Later Sunset


    Beautifully balanced image. Great job. Have you considered a tighter crop on the top and bottom? I think the image might benefit from having the extra black removed from the bottom, and just a bit of crop of the sky to really tighten up the focus on the wonderful color contrast between the building and sunset. the bright green square in the lower left is pretty distracting to me.


    Good capture. :)



    I like the backlighting quite a bit for this image. Very nicely executed - it adds an extra element of interest. I think the lighting almost adds a sense of scale to this image that makes it feel like I'm more the size of the bee.


    I'm not sure if more buds/flowers would have ruined the simplicity of this image, there is appeal in the very clean lines, and I feel the flowers drag your eye right to where it can pick up the bee. I'm not sure if the light fading out at the bottom of the lower flower was intentional, but I think it might detract a little seeing as how the rest of the image is so crisp and clean.


    Very nice job overall. :)

  5. I like the detail, but I'm concerned with what seems to be a lack of vibrancy in the color. This image would really pop if the saturation were played with just a little bit. I like the great crispness in the image.

    3 Birds

    An interesting idea. Animals can be very hard to work with. ;) I would have liked to see the closer bird on the left looking more so that his head didn't blend with the farther bird. Waiting until the woman with the camera was out of the background might have helped as well, I'm not sure she is adding much to this image.

    tree silhouette


    You have a good start on this image. Reasonably good subject, nicely exposed for the silouhette. I'm distracted, though, by the big dust spots/schmutz in the sky. The ducks almost appear out of focus as well.


    To make this a stronger image I would take care of the dust/crud in the sky and apply a little more saturation. Have you considered this as a black and white? B/W plus a little contrast might really make this image pop. :)


    Ok exposure for the sky, but that leaves the land part of the image feeling flat and dull. I might consider bumping the saturation and contrast a bit, and lightening up the land part of the image to bring out some of the vibrant greens in the grasses and fields. Of course the cloud shadows are going to work against you a bit for doing that.

    Old Man


    Is the subject of the photo the man or the truck?? While I feel it might be the man, my eyes immediately jumped to the truck when I first looked at the image.


    Do you have any more of this person? I really think he would make an excellent character study. :)

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