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Image Comments posted by timberwulf

  1. Concert photography is a favorite of mine. I like the good motion blurs in here, but feel there may be a little too much of it around the neck and nearer arm, removing some little bits of detail that I feel would ground the image. Thank you for sharing this. :)


    Black dogs in direct sunlight are always hard. The issue to me here is that too much of him his underexposed and lacking detail, and he has some trouble showing up against a dark background. A lighter colored background with good use of depth of field would have made this image a lot better. Keep at it!


    Very neat use of color, texture and composition, I can't figure out if the "wheel" in the upper right is painted or actually in the wall. ;)


    While I think the partially colored image is passe, I'm wondering at your attmept at imagry here. My main distraction is the area of color around the dog itself - it makes me want to figure out if the dog is supposed to be bringing a sense of gentility (represented by the color) to the scene, or if it was just a sloppy attempt at leaving only the dog colorized. I suppose I'm confused by what you are trying to convey here.
  2. This image has a lot of potential. I would have liked to see the graves a lot closer to the camera, they're a little too washed out by the fog. I'd also like to see a little less grass in the foreground.


    The large thread or hair over the child's eye distracts me quite a bit from what is otherwise a good image. I'd also like to see a little more sharpness in the eyes, which from the looks of them would promise to be an excellent feature of this image. Otherwise, I like the texture treatment appearance and the bw tonality.
  3. The two wind generators facing each other seem to me to create a sense of conflict in what would otherwise be a very pastoral image. I wonder if a little less grass at the bottom of the image might have created a slightly better composition. Pretty good image overall. :)


    (Edit - sorry, a problem with the anti-spam software on the system forced a 3 for orig that was supposed to be a 5 :( ).

  4. Thanks Tim. This was a very neat mobile locksmith truck that was parked on the street in Nogales, Mexico. It made for a very fun subject to play around with.


    I still can't help but feel it's a little tilted, but I've been hard pressed to find a good rotation value - it's probably mainly optical illusion.

    Emilie #3


    I do think the sweater is obtrusive in this shot, but personally I feel that it actually adds meaning and depth. In my opinion, the size and bulk of the neck of the sweater lends an enhanced feeling of delicacy and fragility to the girl, and aids the composition as well. Yes it's there, and yes it's large, but I feel that it helps to frame her face, rather than distract from it.


    Honestly, I'm not sure I'd like this shot nearly as much with a less obtrusive garment.


    Thank you for your comments. I have always felt that the man almost appears to be crushing the flowers while the woman is seemingly begging for their salvation. There is a little tension here that I like.


    I'm a little confused by the choice of the point of focus for this shot. I might have tried to use a little more depth of field - not a lot, just a little, to bring more of the center into focus.
  5. I really really like the foreground, but I'm kind of wondering about the background. There is what appears to be a disparity of quality between the two, almost like you really pulled up the levels in the background.


    Even if the background is quite dark, do you have a copy of this image without editing that you can show?



    I really like the concept of the image, and the composition, but the doe in front of the buck detracts.


    Other than that, great clarity, and depth of field, and a decent image overall.

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