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jeff voorhees

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Posts posted by jeff voorhees

  1. Does anyone really like this lens? The only images I've seen have

    been on the web which introduces too many variables to really get a

    feel for performance. In searching the archives I found little said

    about the lens, but my general take is that the lens is an average

    performer, even a little soft in the resolution department.


    ...in the midst of an agonizing search for a non-leica 50mm lens for

    a IIIf.


    Many thanks to all.

  2. For me it used to be an M6ttl. Before that an old Pentax MX also with built in meter. Even then I would try to estimate exposure and check the luminance with the meter.


    Now I'm using a IIIf and a Weston Master II meter. (20 bucks on Ebay) It appears to be as accurate as my Gossen...since it reads in foot candles, I'm working with the exposure formula. With a little more practice, I don't think I'll need a meter, generally speaking.


    Once you're in the right frame of mind, I don't believe there is a need to constantly look at LED's to confirm what you already know.

    I guess its just a matter of trusting yourself.

  3. Once again, I don't actually have the equipment in front of me, so...


    I understand the outside diameter of the standard filter for a

    Summitar to be 42mm. (36mm thread). Would a 42mm diameter Mamiya C

    lens hood fit? This hood for the standard 80mm lens for the Mamiya

    tlr is only around $20. This has probably been tried and deemed

    unsound. Not to mention it may block too much of the viewfinder.


    I'm trying to avoid the whole Summitar barn door thing.


    Does anyone have any experience with this?


    Many thanks.

  4. I don't currently have access to any of the published Leica

    literature, so I thought I'd ask.


    I've seen yellow filters for this lens listed as "0" and "1" which I

    assume to be the equivlents of a #6 and #8 respectively. I am

    trying to find a clean example of whichever filter approaches the

    yellow #8 . If anyone can advise, I would be most appreciative.


    Thank you everyone.

  5. Thank you everyone.


    I bought a IIIf from B&H in New York yesterday, but the photo was just a generic image. When I called, Rick the sales guy couldn't have been nicer with his description. All in all it sounds like a very nice user camera. The one question I forgot to ask was whether the camera was a BD or RD. Just wanted to satisify my curiosity.

  6. It's good to see a rational voice. Well put Mr. Wall. I started to lose interest in the forum when it was still LUSENET based. I hadn't paid any attention in the past year or so, but this past week I've been lurking mostly. It does not appear that much has changed; I too started participating in order to learn but after a time the petty comments and sarcasm were just not worth my time.


    I suppose you could argue that we have an opportunity here to exercise some common sense and courtesy, two characteristics that are in short supply around town these days.


    Now if I could just get my hands on an M camera with digital capability...

  7. I can't speak to the noise of the Canon S50, but I was in a similar situation as you awhile back. I bought the S40, for most things it does a remarkable job. It's not as slim as the Elph line, but is small enough for a jacket pocket. It has full manual controls, not in the traditional M way, but manual none the less. My only real complaint is the shutter lag common to most P&S digitals. Shooting in manual with the shutter press halfway, shutter lag is something like .04 seconds. Not an M, but quick enough most of the time.
  8. Mike-


    I understand. I sold my M6 and 50 over a year ago. I learned with manual cameras, could focus without looking at the lens and really had a feel for the coverage of the 50. I just couldn't deal with film and have no room for a darkroom anymore. I just have a digital Canon now. The images are good, its convenient, but I really miss the visceral feel and sound of an M camera. I'm unwilling to spend the money right now, but I'm curious about the Panasonic DMC-LC1.

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