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Image Comments posted by jeremy_smith


    Beautiful scene... I think these type of shots are always better if you can see a bit of the person's face, in profile, for instance, rather than just the back of the head. Just my thought. Also, the wildly strong colors of most outdoor gear can kind of dampen a scene like this--not your fault of course, but maybe something to think about next time you're setting up the tripod.
  1. hmm.. this is nice, but i have a couple of things to say. seeing as you're using top-notch equipment, i'm guessing that this photo is either suffering from serious jpeg compression or camera shake. i'm guessing that you used an f-stop of at least f11 or higher, seeing how everything is in focus to about the same degree, and that your shutter speed was pretty slow to compensate. i've taken a fair number of pictures in the hoh and had similar frustrations with camera shake. i always swear that next time i'll lug the tripod out there with me, but haven't yet done it. the light, as you know, can be quite dim in that forest and i think shots such as this with a big DOF demand a tripod (i'm only guessing you didn't use one, of course). other than the softness, i think this is excellent, though. composition and color, as everyone else has said, are both great. thanks for sharing.



  2. Nice and steady--you and the pilot. Definitely not taking off or landing, though (no landing gear down). This a P-51? Thanks for sharing! I think you could improve it by rotating it 1 or 2 degrees clock-wise.

    Winter snooze

    Thanks for the comments, everyone. This was a hand-held shot lit by a floor lamp. Lens was wide open at f1.4. Cute pup, I agree, but he's a friend's--not mine. Name's Winston.

    Arctic fox


    I like this image a lot. It looks like you used some selective blurring in photoshop, and I think it worked well. I hope you don't mind, but I played around with the cropping and came up with this. Thanks for sharing. JS




    Michael--thanks very much for the thoughtful comment... I frequently find myself looking for some kind of beauty or emotion (or at least reality) in the ugly things we see around us when I'm taking pictures. And you're right, these types of pictures rarely generate much interest. Even my wife just does her best to be polite and divert the conversation when I excitedly show her my latest picture through a chainlink fence. I once presented my mother with a carefully matted & framed picture of some cows standing in the mud next to a barbed wire fence. Not a typical mother's day gift, to be sure, but it was a couple years before she finally admitted to her confusion over my great affection for the photo. It just happens that these end up as my favorites because they are without fail the ones that evoke the most vivid memories. So I guess I'm not destined for great recognition on photonet since, a.)I'm not a very skilled or dedicated photographer, and b.) I apparently suffer from rather odd taste.


    I suppose that one day, with therapy, I shall recover...;)



    Asmussen Blue

    Hmmm...I'm an idiot. I thought Rene Asmussen was a woman. Nice light. I like this, though I would like to have seen the car backed up a bit (just a bit) to get more reflection in the puddle. The little tree is great--provides a nice counter-balance to the angle you've imposed; otherwise I think I wouldn't have noticed this photo.
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