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Image Comments posted by jeremy_smith

  1. Very nice light, of course. To me, the problem (and the distracting element) is the rather odd shape of the land (?) in the foreground--like a grasping thumb & index finger jutting out from the bottom corners. I think if this was cropped a little less closely (by backing up a step and angling the camera down just a bit, for instance), this wouldn't be an issue. Otherwise, a very pleasant picture to look at.


    Marc, what if the girl was, say, 10 paces to the right of where she appears in the current photo? Would you still say that she should be under approximately the same lighting conditions (assuming no manipulation) as the people in the background? I'm only asking because the surface there seems even more reflective than the one on which she's standing currently.




    I know next to nothing about lighting compared to you--let's just get that out of the way first. But are you saying that shining a bright light (whether it's the source or a reflective surface) at the subject from behind (with the subject between the lens and the light source) will NOT produce a silhouetted image of the subject?? Please clarify, if you don't mind. Thanks,




    One thing I haven't seen pointed out yet is the fact that the girl is walking on a reflective surface (the sheen of water over the sand), and, as such, the (reflected) light coming from behind her and towards the lens is brighter than that coming off the dry sand on which the others are standing. I would not hesitate to think that anyone standing in that wet area in which the girl stands would be similarly silhouetted (say that fast 5 times!). Of course it's possible that Miguel enhanced this effect, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.


    Is this just a dumb theory? I'm a little stuffy-headed and jet-lagged at the moment.


    Funny! I think beach crabs are hilarious to watch. The background does look weird, as others have said--especially, I think, the feet with the blue flip-flops. f2.0, 1/100th in bright sunlight--was this really your exposure?


    I don't know--I like the tones in Doug's version, but it's also lost all the texture in the background of the original, which has a pleasing, canvas-like feel to it. I think I'd have to go with the original, messier version. Congrats on POW, Carey.


    This is a great wedding picture (and refreshingly un-manipulated). Perfect moment. Would like to see some more room on the right and less on the left--just a thought. The couple must love this!

    Glowing Tufts

    This is a very pretty scene, no doubt, but really this belongs in the giant celestial folder in the sky called "Pretty Evening Light Filtering Through the Grass". Most of us, of course, have a few guilty shots like this in our folders (I can provide direct links to mine Congrats, Eric, but a quick glance at your work is all one needs to find more interesting work: even similar stuff.

    " Ile de la Cite'"

    Interesting--I like this, but I have to agree that the further-away-person seems kind of awkward--can't quite tell if he/she is walking or staring forlornly into the river. Also, I think I might like this rather in true black and white, because this desaturated (or sepia-toned, can't quite tell) version makes the puddle in front of the camera look especially muddy and does not offer the most flattering reflection, least of all that of Notre Dame. On the other hand, I can't say I've seen another picture of this cathedral reflected in a brownish puddle, so points for that, of course. Nice photo. Really a 2 second exposure?



    With monitor settings of 1024x768 and higher, this is best viewed in

    large format. Would just like to know if this works compositionally

    and as an idea. Thanks!

    cat toy


    Don't use a very fast shutter too often, so this was the result of

    some experimenting. This is 1/4000th sec; Fuji NPZ rated at 640;

    camera on tripod & self-timer. A bit of the top and bottom were

    cropped. Hope you like.

  2. Apparently my brain has shut off for the week, because I really don't get this image. I truly appreciate the unusual perspective and abstract quality, but I'm just not sure what I'm looking at. Maybe if I could see a wider angle view first before seeing this one, this picture would fall into place. I understand from reading that there is red silt being carried down the river. But the sharp contrast between the dark water (shadow?) and the clear water, and the odd dark trail left by the boat are just not clicking yet. Maybe in a couple of days...

    Hot Soup!

    The outline of the couch is kind of funny (but I don't know the slightest thing about developing in Rodinal). This one really makes me smile. Thanks.
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