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Image Comments posted by alec

    Caravan # 2


    I found this to be a stunning photo. Yes, there are lots of pictures of dunes, some even with people & camels. But what makes this picture for me is the angle of view (as many have mentioned) and the long shadows. I think the shadows are far more interesting than the "lighting" as many have mentioned. Yes, the light creates the shadows, but the color temp of the light is not terribly interesting. Which leads me to like the shadow length & not the "lighting" per se.


    This is a great vacation shot, in the sense that an amazing photo was taken while Pennie was enjoying herself. "Vacation Shot" to me translates into "Photo that was taken while on vacation" and not "Cheezy snapshot taken while on vacation".


    Great shot, Pennie, congrats.

    Half Moon

    While the subject has been shot a thousand times over, this photo made me utter "Wow". Really crisp, clear, and breathtaking. Even more amazing given the equipment.
  1. I'm learning to print color negs on my own, and I'm having a lot of

    fun printing slides instead. This is one such print made from a

    slide; it is a macro shot of a green Hershey's Kiss on a black

    background. Comments on the aesthtics? The process? Thanks!

    Cat Nap


    Good Photo? I personally liked the contrast. Kinda wished the

    black hole wasn't there though. Never been a big fan of pet photos,

    but I did like this one enough to post. Thanks for your comments!

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