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Image Comments posted by leeuwtje




    I very much like the tonality of this photo!


    IMHO I think the expression of the boy is somewhat confusing to me as a viewer. It doesn't add.


    Thanks for showing your work




    I indeed like this one. The colours are very pleasing, the dark side of his face/ pose of his arm give the photo some what more tension and the two buttons give it more life. Very nice!


    The Musician



    Incredible shot!


    I like the idea and compositions. Especially the black & white of the piano and chair in contrast to her vibrant colours.


    Almost graphical photo. Compliments.



    I like the colours, atmosphere and composition. Because the view is from behind the plain, it's like the plain itself got some personality and is looking forward to the sky.


    Very nice.






    I do like the colour and tone!

    If I may nitwit a little .... I get a little distracted bij the blue halo effect around the roof.


    Thanks for sharing!

    Lone Star



    I like the idea!


    Nice execution. If I may give a suggestion, I would have fliped it horizontally to get a more "logical" fluid line.


    Thanks for sharing




    The decisive moment, great composition, adorable cat, nice backlight, everything is there!


    It's just too bad it's a tad soft. This robs it from that last piece of pop up you need to have a real winner.


    Please keep up the good work!






    I very much like the tone of this photo. Because of the darker colour the flowers get "more body" and drama. Therefore I like it much better than the "typical" flower shot.


    My compliments for this execution.

    Old Piano...



    I like the B&W version better.

    I'm still thinking if the photo would have had a smoother line if the crop would have been different. Now the direction of looking in the photo doesn't feel natural, like my eyes are stoped when the hit the sideborder of the piano.


    Thanks for sharing






    Thanks very much for your deep analysis of this photograph!


    I agree totaly with your remark about both eyes in focus. It would make it easier to focus on the eyes. I think I would do it next time by using a smaller F stop, and keep the little twist in her head. I feel it makes the photo a little more playfull. The smaller diafragm also prevents the hairs at her right side going out of focus.


    I understand what you say about the crop. I will try just a little bit crop because I like the light on her collarbone.


    Btw your comment inspired me to join "The Five". Thanks for that!!





    I love the concept and the originality of this great photo.

    Being a photographer is not only about hitting the shutter button but also about imagining a concept. An added value on the "Thing" you take a picture of. You have done this very well!

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