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Winter's last breath....maybe?


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I knew that winter still holds sway in your area as soon as I opened this well executed, moody image. Aside from the soft rain, if my eyes aren't fooling me. there's also a hint of fog. You made the right decision to convert to. b & w. - - My best always, michael
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Michael...Thank you for viewing and for the kind appreciation.This is not a converted but an all white natural scene;if you look closely,you can see some color on the trunks of the birch trees particularly on the left.That hint of fog you detected in the distance is the soft veil of fine snow still coming down ....just prior to the change into rain.Hope this was the last storm as I and everyone else here are tired of ''shoveling''.Salutations-Laurent
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Giangiorgio..Thank you so much.Yes,this late snow is good for photos but I really look forward to ''greener'' times.Salutations-Laurent
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Man! You are definitely behind the times!! Solid precipitation is long out of style now (yeah, sure!!)
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Warren...Another month and most of this will be gone.....just in time to pick up some fresh lobster and crab at the wharf!!!!Compensation? Salutations-Laurent
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Looking out I have the same scene in Stockholm but winter take one of its last sighs. Best regards, Arthur
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