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Think Pink


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An interesting image that catches the eye and forces him to follow the serpentine of pipes up to the pink caps of the meter, ciao Giangiorgio
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Giangiorgio - As always, thanks for the comment. These metered gas pipes are ubiquitous in Japan, so much so that we people even notice them. However, they've always fascinated me, especially when they decorate themselves with a splash of color as this one did.
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Jack, aside from the previous comments, I read your responses to see whether I had anything new to add; I concluded that I did not, with the following exception. To me the image makes a metaphysical statement - more specifically, one that delves into your concept of the real as distinguished from the unreal and the irreal. It's not enough for me to be satisfied with the 'surface reality" of an installation such as the image's subject matter. - - My best always, michael
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Michael - Thanks for the comment. What passes as reality today seems much more unreal than the world that I see through my mind's eye.
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One more thing, the plethora of pipes on the left must be extra arms, in case the creature loses the original ones.
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