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Pierre Dumas

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Lovely portrait and model, Pierre! The charming smile of this young lady is originally shown against the background of an advertisement (or a poster ...) with an image imitating an eccentric grimace of genius. Interesting light, wonderful tone, ... Great job. Congratulations! Sincerely, Tatiana
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Wonderful and hilarious. I wonder whether she knew that Einstein was lurking in the back?
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A wonderful portrait which you have composed with a sense of humor! Strong technically and artistically; I'm impressed by the slight tilt of her head, the curls on her forehead, and the highlights in her hair (resulting from backlighting, I would surmise). And, of course, there's the poster which includes Albert Einstein obviously mugging for a photographer. Love your portrait work, Pierre. - - My best always, michael
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Ah, Pierre, I saw this photo but had no idea it was yours. Again you give us another peek inside your many faceted mind. I think Albert E. in the background could very well be a stand in for the photographer.
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At first I didn't even know this could be one of your photos(just like Jack said). Surprisingly unexpected, and good(Don't get me wrong though).

You always want to have true opinion about your work...so ...I think this one is one of your best portraits.

However I would remove 28 4 '03 - I think it's distracting,



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